View Full Version : War is coming

03-17-2017, 09:20 PM

"All options or on the table". Where have we heard that before? Here's a reminder. North Korea didn't bomb 7 countries in 8 years. I feel a lot of things about this. I am terrified but also ashamed to be a part of the bloodthirsty empire known as the USA. It's not a surprise that so many Americans are suddenly "Irish" today. We've been at war with someone every year I've been alive as far as I can remember and now it's including nuclear weaponry. Am I overreacting?? :(

03-18-2017, 11:43 PM

"All options or on the table". Where have we heard that before? Here's a reminder. North Korea didn't bomb 7 countries in 8 years. I feel a lot of things about this. I am terrified but also ashamed to be a part of the bloodthirsty empire known as the USA. It's not a surprise that so many Americans are suddenly "Irish" today. We've been at war with someone every year I've been alive as far as I can remember and now it's including nuclear weaponry. Am I overreacting?? :(

Please allow me to indulge on a political rant:

Yes you are overreaching but Obama and the other globalist liberal leaders very subtly fucked up the world! Look at it like this, USA dodged a bullet from that war monger globalist maniac Hillary Clinton. But we can't be snowflake little Cucks wallowing in our safe spaces! Adults are in charge now and we have adult business to take care of. Before, our gov't was working for the special interests that funded their campaigns. NOT ANYMORE!

We should be angry that Obama and his cronies were so incompetent, that even though he was bombing 7 nations, he allowed the Middle East, North Korea and Iran to fester like cockroaches, while him and Hillary would dismantle a nation like Libya and leave them to fester with these roaches, until we have what we have today, while mesmerizing the stupid American public with his bullshit Oprah Self-Help feel good speeches. Europe has been obliterated and we were on the same track, but not for long!

So my point is, once the US got out of the World Police business, the world went to total shit! I agree, the USA has been at war too long and the last 2 Presidents have been as bad as they could have possibly been, but at least we got people with brains now trying to fix it. Is it too late? I don't think so. I am optimistic about the world. Special Interests no longer control our gov't but as you can see, they control the media and that is what is going on.

Follow what Trump is talking about, and ignore all Fake News. Notice how Trump wants to immediately ramp up defense spending, he knows what he is talking about. We need a shield to protect form North Korean or Iranian strikes. Obama allowed Iran $1.7 billion, think about that for a second. In no sane world does that make any sense! I could;t give a flying fuck about their stupid sanctioned money plus interest from decades ago. That was the whole post about sanctions!

For some reason, The Left went to sleep the last 8 years and have now become nothing but brainwashed sheep to their propaganda media overlords. They see nothing wrong with a $10 trillion debt accumulated under one Presidency and can't connect the dots to rise of ISIS and Obama and Hillary's incompetence!

So I would say the world is a total mess, but we do have hope because for the first time, we have real leadership, and as much as the Fake News propaganda machine tries to fool the people, which the media is an arm to the multi-national corporations that want a flat level globalist world to maximize profit, Trump and Rex Tillerson fully get it! They fully understand what you just wrote here and fully know what to do about it. The problem is will the corrupt Congress allow them to do what they need to do?

I say pull no punches, drain the swamp of every last one of the lying politicians that have even an ounce of corruption and send them all to Gitmo, try Obama, Bush Jr. and Hillary for treason, and send every snowflake liberal marching in the streets to any Sharia Law country of choice for 1 year!

Rant Over.

03-19-2017, 05:50 AM
North Korea has to be stopped as if things continue as they are going, they will eventually have the capability of attacking the USA and inflicting substantial damage. Obama was viewed as a weakling and therefore North Korea gained strength. Even though I don't agree with Trump on the way he is handling some things, I believe he is correct in the way he is dealing with North Korea.

03-19-2017, 07:43 AM
Obama had many flawed policies. Obamacare was a joke. However, it did allow for coverage for pre-existing conditions. Obama lied and said everyone could keep their own doctors; lie. Obama worked out a deal with Iran, which is like trying to work out a deal with Hitler. Obama was also racist. In my opinion. he was one of the worst presidents of all time.

03-20-2017, 07:34 AM
You are not over-reacting. #DonTheCon is a moron, elected by a hate filled voting block loaded with uninformed voters who somehow became convinced that an egotistic billionaire cares about middle class woes. He filled his cabinet with a group of other billionaires who care even less about the middle class, if that's even possible, who collectively have exactly zero experience in government. The man actually running the show, Steve Bannon is a self admitted Stalinist, a racist, and a warmonger. This guy writes Executive Orders that #DonTheCon doesn't even bother reading before signing.

This White House has accomplished nothing, been caught in lie after lie (each more blatant than the last), and engaged itself in an all out war on your rights. Beginning with the first amendment. They are desperately in need of distractions to divert attention away from the obvious Russia ties within this failed "administration". The greatest distraction of them of all is war. So yes, you're right to be concerned.

Oh, and one last thing, when the alt-right says "fake news", they mean it's news that doesn't show up on conspiracy sites, like Breitbart.

03-20-2017, 08:29 PM
In my opinion, ALL politicians are crooks and liars in one way or another.

03-20-2017, 09:16 PM
Obama had many flawed policies. Obamacare was a joke. However, it did allow for coverage for pre-existing conditions. Obama lied and said everyone could keep their own doctors; lie. Obama worked out a deal with Iran, which is like trying to work out a deal with Hitler. Obama was also racist. In my opinion. he was one of the worst presidents of all time.

You are right! Obama was the worst or one of the worst Presidents, but he hypnotized his base, as you can see in Synner's post, to be one of the brainwashed Obama drones that can't connect the dots. Under Obama the largest gap between rich and poor was created ever, and as the richest corporations globalized the market and got richer overseas, his base kept cheering him on because he was great at reading self-help feel good Oprah style speeches. Their only defense int he last election was Republicans are hate filled racists, or as Sinner said, "elected by a hate filled voting block loaded with uninformed voters who somehow became convinced that an egotistic billionaire cares about middle class woes." This is obviously a delusion perpetuated by a corrupt media that would have Mao drooling. Bottom line: The Left and Obama supporters do not live in reality and trying to explain to them how reality works, is like trying to explain to a Scientologist why Scientology is a scam. Something I actually once tried to do.

Sensible people see creating incentives for business to come back to the US and remain in the US as helping create a stable economy, they see it as helping the rich ONLY. The same rich that benefited user Obama's policies more than any other President.

In closing, this is a war between the rational people who liv win reality and the delusional Left who live in a dreamworld that only exists in their minds.

03-20-2017, 09:29 PM
You are not over-reacting. #DonTheCon is a moron, elected by a hate filled voting block loaded with uninformed voters who somehow became convinced that an egotistic billionaire cares about middle class woes. He filled his cabinet with a group of other billionaires who care even less about the middle class, if that's even possible, who collectively have exactly zero experience in government. The man actually running the show, Steve Bannon is a self admitted Stalinist, a racist, and a warmonger. This guy writes Executive Orders that #DonTheCon doesn't even bother reading before signing.

This White House has accomplished nothing, been caught in lie after lie (each more blatant than the last), and engaged itself in an all out war on your rights. Beginning with the first amendment. They are desperately in need of distractions to divert attention away from the obvious Russia ties within this failed "administration". The greatest distraction of them of all is war. So yes, you're right to be concerned.

Oh, and one last thing, when the alt-right says "fake news", they mean it's news that doesn't show up on conspiracy sites, like Breitbart.

"This white house has accomplish nothing"?

HAHAHA It's less than 2 months, when Trump has to fix the last 8 years of mistakes!

You have bought into every single CNN talking point hook line and sinker. Trump won because of the economy and Obama's globalization destruction, which got the richest richer at the expense of the middle class and offered not 1 good policy to correct this. Nothing to do with hate or race, or Russia, but simple economics and to stop the "progressive" agenda for turning us into a 3rd world dump! And your "alt-right" hysteria is simply nothing but hysteria. I do not like Breitbart Magazine because it is too opinionated, but Andrew Breitbart grew up Jewish, and even had a bar-mitzvah, yet you left lunatics still scream it is white supremacist because your media told you.

The reason the media hates Steve Bannon is because he is outspoken about the globalist corporatist media working in cahoots with the Democratic Party to lobby the politicians to allow a complete globalization trade market.

You are on the wrong side of history.

03-21-2017, 11:39 AM
You aren't overreacting. We have an unqualified, immature reactionary and his alt-right disciples in charge. People can say what they want about Obama but at least he was sane. It is sad that there are actually people on here defending Trump when mental health issues have increased since he took office and with his new health plan, many will lose mental health coverage. This man is not good for our country or mental health.

03-21-2017, 02:37 PM
War is and has always been here. Given this kind of drama is it any wonder.

03-21-2017, 05:37 PM
Obama was only interested in his legacy. Whether he was sane or not, will be up to historians to determine.

03-21-2017, 05:39 PM
Like I said earlier, I don't agree with everything Trump says and does. However, I do agree North Korea has to be stopped before it is too late and I believe Trump is on target with his approach with North Korea.

03-27-2017, 01:35 AM
To be honest, we really shouldn't use this forum for a place to discuss anything other than anxiety, because it just becomes a chat room. I am totally partially to blame for this as I did respond to this thread too. We are all just common folk and don't have much power to do much about world events anyway. What we do have control of is our ability to try and be the best people we can be and try and control our own lives. If you are old enough, you know every 4 years we are told gloom and doom about the new President from the opposing side and there is always a major enemy to fear as a scapegoat, and a lot of it is really just based on the political game for politicians to try and out do each other and get a re-election! There is a very good chance no major war is coming, and we will all be ok. The best we can do sometimes is just try and work on ourselves and our minds, which is hard enough as is! The world will carry on as it always has, ups and downs, bad and good, and the best we can do is do the best we can for our own bodies, mind and spirit and try and be good people.

03-28-2017, 10:43 AM
This is actually a comparatively peaceful period in human history. The media is going to over exaggerate things because it sells more advertising.

03-29-2017, 12:15 AM
This is actually a comparatively peaceful period in human history. The media is going to over exaggerate things because it sells more advertising.

Yeah good point! We can never forget that in this ADD period of marketing, news sites are trying their best to scream louder and sensationalize more than the guy next to them for ratings and sales.

03-31-2017, 07:58 PM
"It is apparent that this administration wants America to be filthy, hungry, broke and stupid. There are millions who, like battered spouses, will defend comrade Trump to the end. A fake populist like comrade Trump becoming president wasn’t as surprising as it was inevitable. This is what happens when a country’s electorate are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

Even though Trump remains a low-energy slug with a 140-character attention span, the scoundrels he has assembled are energized and rarin’ to go. The billionaires are done with the burdensome yoke of the Kenyan tyrant and want a return on their investment. As to how bad it will get, we have not seen the worst of it yet.

Fuck these guys.

Here we are. Everything matters now. Your goodness, decency, fairness, stamina and, in several months, your vote."
