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11-05-2008, 11:56 PM
Am obsessively worried, my heart feels like it is being squeezed and phhysically hurts all the time. The uncertain future fills me with such dread that when my boyfriend mentions 'where we are going' in any negative light, I completely go into some sort of out of this world state. I cry, I cant breathe, I shake. This 'fear' is now affecting my work as I cannot concentrate, my head is so full of these thoughts and my heart is heavy - Really sore in fact. Its affecting my relationship - He doesnt understand that I cannot explain what the fear is about - Its just there and any logical reasoning doesnt take it away. Ive made an appointment with doc today - Very nervous as I dont want to say Im suffering from anxiety but I really need something to calm me down. This feeling in my chest is what bothers me the most. I then read a list of symptoms and I have been experiencing tingles in my arms and legs, headaches and floaters in my eyes. This all worries me incredibly as Im a normal person who doesnt suffer from any form of sickness usually.

11-06-2008, 12:03 AM

Yeah... yours is a problem shared by many...

I've read sooo many posts here about lumps in the throat and stuffy lungs and pressure between the eyes... i've decided to make a single post about these issues.

1. I can take the metaphysical spiritual karmic route and explain this or

2. I can take the resultant neurological route and explain it...

Since neurology is measurable... lets stick with that.

Your body is the dashboard of your mind. What ever you think... is relayed down to your tailbone via the spinal column. IF you have an emotional experience... your heart rate accelerates. Thats because your brain send stimulation to the thoracic nerve ganglia that then pushes that nervous activity to your heart.

IF ... you get a lump in your throat... the brain is used to pushing out vocal nervous impulses through your cervical vertebrae... aka your voice box... the adams apple. WHEN you experience anxiety that manifests in neck tension... the reason is simple...


All the brains knowledge communication nerves go directly to your cervical verts!

Think about it... intense emotional experience accellerates the heart...
intense knowledge based experience (like seedy goship) accellerates the flapping of the lips. And yes... intense mental cognitive - imagination accellerates the rate your eyelids blink.

Next time your throat gets a lump, SPEAK UP. SPEAK YOUR MIND. Only then, your brain will relax...

Just follow the spine down the line and see what that part of your body connected to that part of your spine does... I'll start a new thread about constipation.