View Full Version : Anyone ever suffer from Constant headaches

03-13-2017, 01:09 PM
Hi all,

Over the past 10 days or so, I have been dealing with this constant dull headache in the back of my head. Now last year around this time, it happened too. My one friend was diagnosed with cancer, and I guess all the anxiety surrounding that caused me to have headaches, which being a hypochondriac, caused me to think I had a brain tumor. Anyway they lasted about 3 months and then went away for good.

But they are happening again. I have kept a headache journal, and some days I have no headache at all (usually when I am at work, or busy) and other days it is there). I have no other symptoms but this dull headache. What do you think can cause this? Is it just stress/tension? Are the symptoms of brain tumors usually much more obvious? This is what I am worried about again..

03-13-2017, 01:57 PM
Hi all,

Over the past 10 days or so, I have been dealing with this constant dull headache in the back of my head. Now last year around this time, it happened too. My one friend was diagnosed with cancer, and I guess all the anxiety surrounding that caused me to have headaches, which being a hypochondriac, caused me to think I had a brain tumor. Anyway they lasted about 3 months and then went away for good.

But they are happening again. I have kept a headache journal, and some days I have no headache at all (usually when I am at work, or busy) and other days it is there). I have no other symptoms but this dull headache. What do you think can cause this? Is it just stress/tension? Are the symptoms of brain tumors usually much more obvious? This is what I am worried about again..

When my anxiety first developed I would get headaches constantly. Sometimes they were so bad I also thought i had brain tumor. I would tell my fiance that I wish they would just do a scan just so I can stop thinking that. I would take Tylenol if they were really bad. I ended up falling at home due to dizziness and headed to hospital where they found out my electrolytes were out of whack and after a whole bunch of tests just basically said I wasnt eating the right diet. Now that I changed my diet Its rare I get a headache now so im not sure if the two were linked. When I feel a headache coming on I either eat something or drink a cup of coconut water and It goes away in 20-30mins. I believe tension headaches is common with anxiety.

03-14-2017, 01:44 PM
Thank you for your reply.

Anyone else have any experience with this?

03-14-2017, 03:17 PM
I have generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and depression...I have headaches every day to every other day. I've gotten so used to it that it no longer phases me when they show up. They are irritating, however, but never enough to cause me much pain. I normally just sleep them off and start over once I wake up. I'm not sure if my anxiety, panic or depression causes them, but I do have them a lot.

My advice to you is: if you're really concerned about medical reasons...I would go to the doctor. Explain to your doctor what you're experiencing and I'm sure they'll help you pin-point what's going on.

Good luck!

03-19-2017, 09:47 AM
I have generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and depression...I have headaches every day to every other day. I've gotten so used to it that it no longer phases me when they show up. They are irritating, however, but never enough to cause me much pain. I normally just sleep them off and start over once I wake up. I'm not sure if my anxiety, panic or depression causes them, but I do have them a lot.

My advice to you is: if you're really concerned about medical reasons...I would go to the doctor. Explain to your doctor what you're experiencing and I'm sure they'll help you pin-point what's going on.

Good luck!

Thanks! Anyone else have any experience with this?

07-10-2017, 05:35 PM
can anyone else help?

07-10-2017, 06:49 PM
Sometimes when you are so involved with your work, you forget to do basic self care. Hydration, less computer time, exercise, good food and a nice bath helps :)
Keep good posture, too! Aim to remind yourself to correct your position if you slouch. Clenching your teeth also causes people headaches, and they don't even notice! Eye strain can cause it to, so make sure you have an up-to-date prescription if you have/need glasses of some sort, and cut out excess screen time.