View Full Version : Facial Numbness

03-07-2017, 03:05 PM
Hello all,

I'm new to the forum, but I wanted to get your opinion on the physical symptoms of anxiety that often manifest themselves.. I have recently been having some off and on facial numbness (lower lip, chin, and left side of face). I have also been having some balance issues (I believe related to my eustachian tube in my ears, which I've had before). I went to my local urgent care about the facial numbness and they were ready to send me to the ER. I always have a high heart rate when I go to any medical place. Last year I went to the ER for pains in my arm, they did all the tests including an MRI and told me I was clear. They thought it was related to anxiety. I am TERRIFIED of something like MS. Is it normal to have any facial numbness from anxiety (It seems to come and go). Thank you all!!

03-07-2017, 06:38 PM
Yes, that's a frequently reported symptom of anxiety/panic disorder. But if it's a new symptom you should talk to your doc about it. I get the same symptoms and they are new to me.

03-11-2017, 05:54 AM
Don't get advice on the internet, you'd better go to see the doctor soon!

03-20-2017, 10:46 PM
Hi many years back I had numbness also on my nose and lips would last for several days & several months saw a neuro scan all good, you should have a neurologist check you out don't panic.

03-21-2017, 04:20 AM
Anxiety could cause your symptoms, but a visit to your physician will tell what the cause is for sure and end any speculation.

03-21-2017, 05:17 PM
Please visit your doctor! Seeking medical advice on the internet is disastrous, trust me!

03-23-2017, 05:43 AM
It sounds serious for me, you'd better go to doctor and check it!