View Full Version : Heart palpitations?

03-07-2017, 12:17 PM
I seem to come to this forum every week afraid that I may die because of some health problem, and I appreciate everybody who puts up with my silliness and teaches me about anxiety and things I can do to help it. Recently, my heart beats very fast for seemingly no reason, even when I'm sitting down. The palpitations start and it puts me into a panic attack, because I feel like I'm having a heart attack or my hearts failing. Is this normal? The increasing heart rate didn't happen about a month ago (when I had little to no anxiety) I'm just afraid that if I go to a doctor they'll say I'm going to die and I was correct, even though I have to go to the doctor anyway.

03-07-2017, 12:21 PM
You should always talk to your doctor about any new symptoms. That being said, palpitations are probably the most common symptoms of anxiety or panic disorder. Very few people that I've talked to who suffer from either condition don't experience them.

03-07-2017, 02:49 PM
I think a good definition of 'palpitations' would be 'any heartbeat that we're aware of'. Our hearts beat harder, faster and slower all through the day for dozens of reasons. It's only after we become aware of them do we panic. It's amazing what the mind is capable of when we're nervous. I have a metronome app on my phone (I'm a drummer), so at night, if I wake up and my heart is 'pounding' and 'racing', I use the metronome to see what it really is. I would have myself thinking my heart rate was 130 or more, but using the metronome, it's really only about 75 or so... which is fine. Plus, my using the metronome probably sped it up a little.

As I don't know your health history, I can't say anything for certain, but anything serious would have other symptoms along with the racing heart rate. It's extremely common.

03-07-2017, 05:50 PM
when you get palpitations and you're aware that you feel funny, and because you're so focused on your heart beat you begin to think you're going to die and that something isn't right.. i'm exactly the same, I've been this way for years and it gets to the point where I sit curled up into a ball crying and sobbing that this'll be the last day I'm seen alive, and it truly is terrifying, but that's what anxiety does to you.. its vicious and it feels suffocating, but.. you are not alone in feeling this way, I thought I was losing my mind at one point but then I gradually began finding others who are exactly like me. But if you're really curious, its always best to get yourself checked out, but I can guarantee you the anxiety will have a major part to play in it! Stay safe :)

03-07-2017, 09:35 PM
Yup, heart palpitations were one of the most dreadful things for me. You're not having a heart attack, remind yourself that it is just the anxiety and try to redirect your thoughts from whatever you're thinking about that's giving you the anxiety. Can you minimize stress in your life? It will ease your recovery from panic.

03-08-2017, 04:10 PM
I seem to come to this forum every week afraid that I may die because of some health problem, and I appreciate everybody who puts up with my silliness and teaches me about anxiety and things I can do to help it. Recently, my heart beats very fast for seemingly no reason, even when I'm sitting down. The palpitations start and it puts me into a panic attack, because I feel like I'm having a heart attack or my hearts failing. Is this normal? The increasing heart rate didn't happen about a month ago (when I had little to no anxiety) I'm just afraid that if I go to a doctor they'll say I'm going to die and I was correct, even though I have to go to the doctor anyway.

Let me ask you what seems like a stupid question, but it is far more important than you may realize. Are you absolutely certain your heart beats fast all of a sudden out of nowhere? Does it really just boom on its own go really fast and not triggered by some subtle feeling or thought in your mind? There is a difference. Some people do have a condition where the heart goes into a tachycardia out of nowhere and that is different from anxiety based. I knew a woman who had that and for her condition, treating her thyroid cured it. For me, my heart used to get past 160 bpm and as much as I thought my heart was doing it on it's own, it was symptom of my anxiety, and as my anxiety got better it stopped happening.

03-08-2017, 08:47 PM
Never though of that before. I feel like I'm always thinking of my anxiety, when it will strike. I noticed this a week ago. So... I don't think it beats fast on its own. In fact, thinking about that question more just reassures me that all the times I was sitting and freaking out because my heart was going really fast it was just me, overthinking it. Thank you so much for that eye opener!

03-08-2017, 08:47 PM
Thank you all for answering, it has really helped me! :)

03-08-2017, 09:41 PM
Never though of that before. I feel like I'm always thinking of my anxiety, when it will strike. I noticed this a week ago. So... I don't think it beats fast on its own. In fact, thinking about that question more just reassures me that all the times I was sitting and freaking out because my heart was going really fast it was just me, overthinking it. Thank you so much for that eye opener!

You're welcome!

08-14-2017, 08:58 AM
I know this is a few months old but I am in the same boat. My anxiety is because of fear of something happeningnto such as a heart attack. I worry all day and constantly worry about my heart skipping beats. It has even affected my job and exercise. I recently start zoloft so maybe it will help me overcome this fear, along with therpy.