View Full Version : Bad health anxiety

03-06-2017, 03:06 PM
Hi there. I'm suffering from bad health anxiety atm. Even though I'm only 17, I'm really scared of developing MND. I know it's extremely rare for someone my age to have it but it's such a horrible disease I don't want to develop it, not whilst I'm so young and still got all my life ahead of me. I've had this fear before, over a year ago, and I had to go A&E, see a neurologist and, as a result, go on anxiety pills. My fear developed again as my left arm is twitching, feels strange and is tiring out easy... I am stressed atm so I don't know if it's that. Also I have to keep scraping the bottom of my foot to check if I have a positive babinski's reflex and, even tho the reflex seems to be negative, I have the compulsion to do it just to see if it's positive as the reflex indicates a damage to motor neurons, it's horrible. I don't know what to do I see a therapist about my anxiety this week for an assessment but I need some advice to help with the self checking urges. Anyone have any similar worries also. Cheers for reading xx

03-06-2017, 05:29 PM
Hi there. I'm suffering from bad health anxiety atm. Even though I'm only 17, I'm really scared of developing MND. I know it's extremely rare for someone my age to have it but it's such a horrible disease I don't want to develop it, not whilst I'm so young and still got all my life ahead of me. I've had this fear before, over a year ago, and I had to go A&E, see a neurologist and, as a result, go on anxiety pills. My fear developed again as my left arm is twitching, feels strange and is tiring out easy... I am stressed atm so I don't know if it's that. Also I have to keep scraping the bottom of my foot to check if I have a positive babinski's reflex and, even tho the reflex seems to be negative, I have the compulsion to do it just to see if it's positive as the reflex indicates a damage to motor neurons, it's horrible. I don't know what to do I see a therapist about my anxiety this week for an assessment but I need some advice to help with the self checking urges. Anyone have any similar worries also. Cheers for reading xx
I have a blood pressure cuff and a pulse ox meter that I use all the time. I suspect this kind of thing is pretty common amongst sufferers. I check my pulse often, check my weight a lot, check my lungs to make sure neither has collapsed, etc, etc.

I've gotten better with it lately by laying out a schedule for doing these things. Once you're on a schedule, you can begin to slowly reduce the frequency of the checks. Hope that helps.

03-06-2017, 06:58 PM
Thank you it seems like a good idea and I'll try it out. Thanks for the advice!x