View Full Version : To all my single friends with anxieties, do you guys see yourself in a relationship?

03-06-2017, 11:27 AM
The problem with me here, I rejected couple of guys that asked me to be their girlfriends only because I feel like I am such an 'insensitive b****.' I seriously couldn't express my feelings, let alone having empathy for someone else's feelings.

It's up to you guys on what you think but in my opinion, I see guys have more feelings than girls because of me. I'm heartless and I keep having my friends that warned me, "the reason I talk fast because I'm trying to escape from describing my feelings" for many times, sth like that. I just feel so mean and selfish. I cut one of the guys that goes out with me who talked about his family problems but he was so extremely nice and went on forgiving me. Even if he did forgave me, I still feel guilty like I always do.

Why do I always feel like the need to cover lots of topic and ended up me talking alone by not giving other people a chance? The more I see myself as an insensitive person, I won't have someone. Luckily, date stops here till I learned about feelings. Most of the times, my topic resorts to lying anyways. I know I should be positive about this but I have no idea why I'm out of control. My next psychiatry app is next month, I decided to forward it because its time to come clean. I even lied to my psychiatry during my first appointment. My first step to coming clean is confess to all doctors then slowly to the ones I lied to. Guilt gives me an upset stomach. :(

Does anyone else feels this way? I'm so stress haha I even noticed that taking care of your health is much tougher than dealing with your careers. but ps, this is TRUE.

03-12-2017, 12:14 PM
Perhaps you're single for too long that you become afraid of falling in love? :) I'm in that status so I can understand a part of your story :)