View Full Version : Tobacco and Anxiety

03-05-2017, 03:18 PM
Most if not all my anxiety stems from heart palpitations, increased heart rate, and chest discomfort. However I have been dipping tobacco since th age of 14 and I am now 27. The weird thing is nicotine in tobacco can cause heart palpitations and increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure etc. Yet I still dip and think nothing of it. Anyone else use tobacco and their main anxiety concerns are centered around their chest/heart. You would think that if it bothered me so much (which it certainly does at times) then I would stop using tobacco. However I haven't. Why is it I perceive it so differently at times and then if I'm dipping at times I have no concerns over it.

03-05-2017, 04:23 PM
Like I say to people who ask me to explain panic disorder, the first fact you need to understand is that it tends to be extremely illogical.

03-05-2017, 04:35 PM
Oh yes I understand and agree 100% with that statement. My real bad anxiety and panic has been at bay for the last 3-4 years up until this last Halloween, and I can't seem to get back to where I was before no matter what. I'm on the same medicine plus one that I was before Halloween and even started back up with my psychologist. Just curious if there were any other nicotine addicted people that have any similar experience as myself.

03-05-2017, 04:38 PM
*raises hand*

Long time smoker. Promised my self that if I can get past this this time, I'll be an ex-smoker.

03-06-2017, 06:13 AM
I am 60 years old and have never smoked cigarettes. A client of mine downstairs in my office building has COPD from smoking.
Another client of mines brother has COPD and emphysema from smoking. Two friends of mine died from lung cancer attributable to
smoking. One was 55 and the other 59.

03-06-2017, 08:19 AM
LD- I am not able to respond to your PM because my post count isn't high enough yet. Once I get there, I'll send you a reply.

03-06-2017, 08:52 AM
Although it is easy for me to say stop smoking as I have never smoked. Like the old saying goes,
easier said then done.