View Full Version : Need Help.

11-04-2008, 02:56 PM
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:13 pm Post subject: Hi, I am new here. Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post
Hi I'm new on these forums!

Well I guess ill get to it:

I've been feeling a throbbing sensation in my head. And when I put my hands on my head I can feel it pulsate. Sometimes it can happen throughout my body. It feels like I can feel my heartbeat. Also when I sit down or stand up, my body starts to move a little in a bobbing manner if you will. I can stop them movement immediately when it happens though. This only happened occasionally but recently it's been happening everyday. It also seems to stop when I don't think about it or if I'm watching a Video or talking to a person. (The bobbing, not the head throbbing.)

-I've been to 3 doctors recently to see about the double visions I am seeing. I also have a sinus congestion and have been feeling constipated. Doctors say there is nothing wrong with my eyes and that they think it's nothing neurological. I have an MRI exam coming. And if those tests come negative I may just need glasses to fix my double vision.

I forgot to tell all 3 doctors about the bobbing motion. Seeing that I've had it before the double vision I thought nothing of it. I want to know if anyone has experienced any bobbing body motion and head throbbing recently or in the past, and if so if it's related to stress anxiety or panic attacks.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
(Sorry if some of this didn't make any sense; English is not my native tongue.)
Grin Embarassed

11-05-2008, 08:40 AM
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:13 pm Post subject: Hi, I am new here. Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post
Hi I'm new on these forums!

Well I guess ill get to it:

I've been feeling a throbbing sensation in my head. And when I put my hands on my head I can feel it pulsate. Sometimes it can happen throughout my body. It feels like I can feel my heartbeat. Also when I sit down or stand up, my body starts to move a little in a bobbing manner if you will. I can stop them movement immediately when it happens though. This only happened occasionally but recently it's been happening everyday. It also seems to stop when I don't think about it or if I'm watching a Video or talking to a person. (The bobbing, not the head throbbing.)

-I've been to 3 doctors recently to see about the double visions I am seeing. I also have a sinus congestion and have been feeling constipated. Doctors say there is nothing wrong with my eyes and that they think it's nothing neurological. I have an MRI exam coming. And if those tests come negative I may just need glasses to fix my double vision.

I forgot to tell all 3 doctors about the bobbing motion. Seeing that I've had it before the double vision I thought nothing of it. I want to know if anyone has experienced any bobbing body motion and head throbbing recently or in the past, and if so if it's related to stress anxiety or panic attacks.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
(Sorry if some of this didn't make any sense; English is not my native tongue.)
Grin Embarassed

Hi I am also new here. I have been suffering from anxiety for about 4 months now. For about the first month my vision seemed to be worse than normal and my equilibrium was off which gave me that sort of "bobbing" sensation you are describing. My resting heart rate was anywhere from 95 to 120 beats per minute and I could feeling it pounding out my chest every second I was awake. After going to the emergency room because of my heart palpitations I saw two different doctors and a cardiologist. Everyone said that there was nothing wrong with me. It wasnt until I feel into a state of depression that my doctor finally realized what I was feeling was surely anxiety. Although Ive just started dealing with anxiety myself it does sound like you have some symptoms of it. Good luck with everything and know that you are not alone.

11-05-2008, 08:51 PM
Hi new friend!

Thank you so much for responding Tider!!! I was beginning to think that no one else felt the symptom(s) I was having. Or that it didn't make any sense. I hope to deal with it too.
Did the doctors say that the "bobbing" sensation is normal if your anxious?
And also do you have a hard time sleeping? Because lately I've been having a hard time sleeping. Sometimes when I wake up during the night I can feel the throbbing or rather the pounding in my head, throat, chest etc. I have a congested nose and it's hard for me to breath when I sleep, I probably have some form of sleep apnea. I want to know if you feel the pounding sensation when you wake up from your sleep. If not then it's probably due to my congested nose.

11-05-2008, 10:45 PM
I've read sooo many posts here about lumps in the throat and stuffy lungs and pressure between the eyes... i've decided to make a single post about these issues.

1. I can take the metaphysical spiritual karmic route and explain this or

2. I can take the resultant neurological route and explain it...

Since neurology is measurable... lets stick with that.

Your body is the dashboard of your mind. What ever you think... is relayed down to your tailbone via the spinal column. IF you have an emotional experience... your heart rate accelerates. Thats because your brain send stimulation to the thoracic nerve ganglia that then pushes that nervous activity to your heart.

IF ... you get a lump in your throat... the brain is used to pushing out vocal nervous impulses through your cervical vertebrae... aka your voice box... the adams apple. WHEN you experience anxiety that manifests in neck tension... the reason is simple...


All the brains knowledge communication nerves go directly to your cervical verts!

Think about it... intense emotional experience accellerates the heart...
intense knowledge based experience (like seedy goship) accellerates the flapping of the lips. And yes... intense mental cognitive - imagination accellerates the rate your eyelids blink.

Next time your throat gets a lump, SPEAK UP. SPEAK YOUR MIND. Only then, your brain will relax...

Just follow the spine down the line and see what that part of your body connected to that part of your spine does... I'll start a new thread about constipation.

11-06-2008, 08:14 AM
Hi new friend!

Thank you so much for responding Tider!!! I was beginning to think that no one else felt the symptom(s) I was having. Or that it didn't make any sense. I hope to deal with it too.
Did the doctors say that the "bobbing" sensation is normal if your anxious?
And also do you have a hard time sleeping? Because lately I've been having a hard time sleeping. Sometimes when I wake up during the night I can feel the throbbing or rather the pounding in my head, throat, chest etc. I have a congested nose and it's hard for me to breath when I sleep, I probably have some form of sleep apnea. I want to know if you feel the pounding sensation when you wake up from your sleep. If not then it's probably due to my congested nose.

Hi Nobunga. As far as the "bobbing" sensation I asked my docor if what I was feeling was "real" or if was just a manifistation of my constant worry about feeling that way. He said that it is indeed "real" but that their was nothing wrong with me. So that bobbing can be a symptom of your anxiety. When you constantly worry about it you are constantly aware of it. See your doctor to get some piece of mind. I found that once I found ways to distract myself from what I was feeling it went away. Also, talking to a therapist helped me more than any medication ever could. If you cant afford to see one then I know that some Universities offer counseling by their graduate students for a minimal feel. Obviously you will not be seeing a professional but just telling someone who understands what you are feeling can help. I dont have a hard time sleeping but the quality of my sleep isnt what it used to be. I now wake up and atleast an hour earlier than I used to and Im so wound up that it is impossible for me to go back to sleep. You will get through it. Just remember, tough times dont last but tough people do.

11-07-2008, 08:47 PM
I've been trying to not to think about my symptoms but it's really hard. So yeah maybe ill try a therapist, moneys not an issue to me, as long as it will help me get better. Plus my parents will probably pay for it. And if that doesn't help then I don't know.

It also doesn't help that the doctors don't know why I have double vision. (as I mentioned in my first post) I'm going to go see a neurologist about it. And if they don't know then my anxiety problems is probably going to get WAY worse.