View Full Version : The Barber Shop

02-27-2017, 10:06 AM
Hello everyone, im 26 and im here to introduce my self and share my problem with you !

Before 2 years , for first time in my life i was like : Ok, now i will die

That happend in a cafe-bar, my friends didnt understand what i feel because i stand up and go to wc, after i came back i just pay the coffe and just disappear from there !
All the way i was going home i was feeling that i will die, i couldn't breath, i was dizzy and i was just fighting to reach home !
As i get in my house, im feeling so good like nothing happens .. (strange) i tell to my parents straight what happend in the cafe-bar and how i was feeling before 20 min, they laugh !

So from that day my life just fuckd up ! I was didnt know what a panic attack is , anywhere that i was going i was had panic attacks and because i didnt know it i was thinking that i have health problems. I was a person that always goes in parties,like to meet new people, go to stadium, many girls find me handsome and tell me that they like me BUT.. from that day everything changed ! I was avoid places with many people, my friends was calling me to go out, i was saying them that i have work to do and the most of time i was sitting home alone.

Before 1 year , after so much time sitting home i read many things about panic attacks-anxiety and i was start to be very happy when i understand that it is normal and it happend to manny people

So im practicing to stop panic attacks by get use to it and let it happend. Most of people say that when you get use and learn why that happend, it will never happend again!

Now , after so much brain dribble im here to tell you that i won panic attacks but there is only one place that my brain idk why but start to panic ... The barber shop

There is a girl that working there, she is very nice, i like her and i think that she like me too but everytime i sit there i start to feel uncomfortable . Its the only place that i have panic attack till today even that i know how to stop it.
She usually ask me things about me and about my life but she dont understand how hard i feel in that moment, when i answer her something my panic go 1/10 and after i aswer her something i go staight back to 10/10 and that's happens so fast that make me more anxious, imagine my level of panic like elevator that goes up and down with speed 200khm .
I want to tell you that the 10/10 was before 1-2 years, now when i sit there my max panic goes about 5/10 BUT... it still there !

Im pretty sure that i will find some answers that can help me here from others knowledge and expirience, i learned that its good to be open with others about that case .
It can be funny all this to you if you never had a hard panic attack but im pretty sure that there are people here that understand how serious it is .