View Full Version : Podcast on what to do if you SUCK at meditation

02-24-2017, 09:07 PM
I'm a daily meditator (at least most days anyway!).

I started my meditation journey about 5 years ago, and for a long time I thought I sucked at meditation. I wasn't sure if I was doing it right, my mind was wandering all the time, and I was very frustrated. I even went to a buddhist temple to learn how to meditate from the monks there.

Now that I'm a seasoned meditator (not good, just more experienced), I made this podcast to help people that are new to meditation. I think some people might find it to be useful!


02-24-2017, 11:35 PM
Nicely done Benjamin. Always good to see meditation threads go up.

Are you the owner and creator of http://www.brilliantside.com?

I for one just want to be clear on your agenda with frequenting this forum.

Here's to profitable future $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for you and your clients.

All the best making money doing what you enjoy. Nothing wrong in that, but I'd hate to see this forum overrun with more marketers; than actual sufferers.

02-26-2017, 02:33 PM
Nicely done Benjamin. Always good to see meditation threads go up.

Are you the owner and creator of http://www.brilliantside.com?

I for one just want to be clear on your agenda with frequenting this forum.

Here's to profitable future $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for you and your clients.

All the best making money doing what you enjoy. Nothing wrong in that, but I'd hate to see this forum overrun with more marketers; than actual sufferers.

Hey Ponder,

Yes, I am the owner of BrilliantSide. I hope it's okay I linked to my own content. I feel like it would be helpful for a lot of people starting meditation practice. I wish someone would have linked me to a podcast like that when I first started.

As for my own history (which you'll see if you view some of my other replies), I did suffer from anxiety for a while. Both as a child and as an adult. It culminated a few years ago with panic attacks and fainting spells that I saw a doctor for.

I would say now my anxiety is very under control, but I am also fascinated about psychology and anxiety which is how I found this forum. I want to help people on this forum using whatever knowledge I have.

I'm a bit of a research nerd so I do plan on linking people to articles I find on the web, youtube videos, books, and even my own content sometimes. Is that allowed?

- Benjamin

02-27-2017, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the reply Benjamin. Pretty much anything goes in this forum as far as I can tell. It seems to be "Peer" run. I'm no moderator; that's for sure. The promotional theme on Google goes along the lines like this:


KEY WORDS → Home for Those with la la & la.

I've always been amazed at the seemingly lack of moderation in this forum. Given the promotional elements in the above google add I have concluded that this place is run by peers. Out of all other mental health forums currently available on the internet, I find this peer interaction to be truly unique. It's an appealing dynamic to those of us that live debilitating lives due to said instabilities. Long story short - the last thing we need is doctors and students who wish to case this forum for clientele and or probe those who use this place as a home among peers.

The relationship between sufferer and healer within the lower socioeconomic or by-pruduct of society is rather an unhealthy one and bares keeping in mind when crossing those two dynamics (sufferer & healer) in a space designated for sufferers to use as a safe haven. I admit it's not as simple as that. Not everyone suffering from these mental imbalances come from the dregs of society. That being said - history clearly shows as that the majority of known "complex" cases are spawn from lower socioeconomic families and that indeed the majority are no more byproduct to a value system that the whole of society is no less subject to. Healers are no longer viewed as they once were and in fact exacerbate many illnesses within those whom are currently sick.
__________________________________________________ ____________

You seem like a good chap Ben. Your doctoring is of methods that I often use. You can do whatever you like here and once again ... I am no moderator. Not at all. My expedience with such is to be silenced with every post. So to speak. I just ask that you keep some of the above in mind with making your posts and linking to other sites. If it were me, I would change the avatar to something more peer related and avoid linking to places of an economic nature. But that's just me. We have had guys in here that round up other users and lead them into Skype sessions. Students asking all kinds of questions and other doctor like types promoting all kinds of things.

From my dealings in here, your the first that has an air about him that's genuine enough for my liking. (not that you need my approval - I'm only one peer) I'm happy for you. Healing others helps to heal ourselves. Like I say ... it pays to be respectful of the underlying dynamics and be mindful that they have reverberating effects. In this way, you will be more successful and do less damage when frequenting forums like these ... from that perspective and as this lone peer; has you viewed.

So it is ... and just as a peer ... I say (no one special & with any kind of BS hat ... I don't own any nor want any) ... "Welcome to the forum Ben."

It's just my angle ... You do what you have to do - I wish you all the best.

~ David

02-28-2017, 04:19 PM
Hey David,

I really appreciate the thorough feedback! I also love the unofficial welcome, haha.

I can see how some bad apples would use this forum to pilfer clients. I don't want to do that. To be frank, I only see clients in the city I live, I don't see clients over skype at all (even though some people have asked). I doubt many people on this forum live in Idaho.

It's a shame this forum isn't moderated much, but I understand why, it can be a lot of work. I ran a forum for a while in the motorcycle industry and the spammers would get out of control. I made a few trusted users moderators and it seemed to work out well. I wish the admin of this forum did that too.

Thanks for the advice. I'll continue to post things I think are interesting, and help where I can. I'll even share some of my own journey. I admit I'm not crippled by anxiety any longer, but I think that gives me a unique opportunity to give back where I can.

If for some reason you find any of my posts out of line, I'd love it if you let me know. I know you aren't officially a moderator, but judging by your post score you know this place a LOT better than I do. :)

- Benjamin

PS I changed my avatar like you suggested!

02-28-2017, 05:40 PM
Hi Ben. Yea I commented on the avatar (thx man - that warmed me up some) in your hypnosis thread. Nice thread.

About the moderation. I nearly fell over backwards after seeing:

You won't see it listed on the Index page, but once you go into a subsection the listing can be found at the bottom of that the page. I guess it's more about the kind of moderating that goes on at this place that may be in question for more of us regular folk. Especially those of us that are not on the same page. There is a post on moderation that can perhaps be updated and further discussed. Anyways - the number of posts means nothing to me, but I get your meaning.

Now that I have seen some mods listed, I got to say I lover their style. :) ... If I have the energy I usually let others know if I am not in agreement. More so to keep things real for myself. I just did that in one post today. I have no doubt I can come across as an old cranky bastard with some unhelpful words; but things are not always as they seem. I am as capable of singing kumbaya and doing likewise things. :)

I'm very pleased to of met you and glad you have joined. It would appear many others feel the same. In hindsight I apologize for taking up space and or taking the focus of your OP.

In my book which matters little, you'r certainly a peace maker and you interact well which really helps. You won't be hearing me question your intentions anymore. :)

Please excuse my tendency to challenge varioius posts. It's something I picked being in a number of group therapy/sessions ... I find it keep things interesting.

PS - You know something Ben ... I think the best moderation is when we moderate ourselves. You just inadvertently helped me with that. TY.

03-02-2017, 03:37 AM
Whatever works for you is great to here.

03-02-2017, 10:54 AM
Haha no worries David, I love to be challenged. I also think it's good that there are protectors of the community.

If I were an admin here, I would make you a moderator! :)

05-27-2017, 12:56 PM
You have a great thing going here. Anything to help people can help, especially when we have so many podcasts and videos focusing on drama which seem to make things worse. I wish you success on what you are doing because I can see it help people. :)