View Full Version : Constant anxiety.

02-24-2017, 07:45 AM
Hi everyone,

For the past few weeks ive been having constant anxiety wich means it always there, like a thread or on alert mode all the time.
Which causes me being tired, headaches, cant eat anything, lightheaded, weakness, constant presusre on my chest, panic attacls,

Does anyone have this or know how to make it better? bc its really hard to life like that and it makes daily life a challenge and
i also im hypochondiratic.


02-24-2017, 08:38 AM
Hi there, I have almost the same symptoms as you do. It's really hard and debilitating and there are very few ways to make it better, unfortunately. For me, it starts as early as 5 minutes after waking up and comes and goes throughout the day but never seems to truly leave me alone. It's like a balloon inflating and deflating constantly and sometimes it gets really close to popping. I figured that trying to force yourself to do the things that make me the most anxious and never let yourself give way to avoidance strategies, being brave overall, repeating to yourself, like a mantra, "there is nothing wrong, I am not in any danger, these are all symptoms of my anxiety" etc..., and having a HEALTHY lifestyle (sleeping a LOT, eating fruits and vegetables, blueberries are a revelation, taking magnesium complements etc) can make it easier to bear. Try to force yourself to eat at leat a little bit every few hours if you have trouble eating. Also, avoid stimulants like caffeine, cigarettes etc as much as possible and drink a lot of fresh water. Anyway, if you want to chat about this, I am really open ! I would also like to share my experiences with someone.

Stay strong

Best regards,
