View Full Version : How much money has your anxiety cost you?

02-23-2017, 09:56 PM
How much money has your anxiety cost you?

I have had this condition for nearly 6 months. Let's see I have seen numerous psychologists and I don't have a health plan so it was out of pocket. I have paid about 100 a week since mid-October, except for this Feburary when I did some traveling. That's about $1600. Ok another 200 on supplements. 200 on books. That's 2K in 6 months.

But wait there's more...I can say that the anxiety has probably cost me a job in my job search so that is an opportunity cost. Of course there's no way to know for sure if I would have landed the job without the anxiety. But assuming I would have landed a job by the end of October (2 months of searching), that's about 4 months of lost income. That's about 2500-3000 a month after taxes here in Canada.

02-24-2017, 07:11 PM
How much money has your anxiety cost you?

I have had this condition for nearly 6 months. Let's see I have seen numerous psychologists and I don't have a health plan so it was out of pocket. I have paid about 100 a week since mid-October, except for this Feburary when I did some traveling. That's about $1600. Ok another 200 on supplements. 200 on books. That's 2K in 6 months.

But wait there's more...I can say that the anxiety has probably cost me a job in my job search so that is an opportunity cost. Of course there's no way to know for sure if I would have landed the job without the anxiety. But assuming I would have landed a job by the end of October (2 months of searching), that's about 4 months of lost income. That's about 2500-3000 a month after taxes here in Canada.

Had anxiety for 2 months and spent around $200 between supplements, heart monitor, and workout bench. I am fortunate to still have my job after calling out 5 days straight but I had doctor notes and made them aware of what was happening to me. Im hoping not to spend anymore. 1600 plus other expenses would give me more anxiety lol. I wish you the best.

02-24-2017, 09:03 PM
I'd say the out of pocket cost for me if you add up doctors/counselors/supplements is around $1000 over the past few years.

However, now I have things like a gym membership which I use as my primary means to fight anxiety. I also meditate, but that is free.

Now I try and think about how much more opportunities I have now that my anxiety is under control. Focusing on the past often just makes me feel bad, focusing on the present or being optimistic about the future makes me feel good.

02-25-2017, 04:04 PM
It has cost me quite a bit. Don't even think I can put a number on it. There are many jobs I've failed to obtain.

02-26-2017, 04:27 PM
This is an interesting idea but not an entirely productive way to view the situation. I have spent over $1000 in supplements alone in the last decade but thinking like that doesn't make me feel any better

02-26-2017, 06:15 PM
I keep seeing this and wanting to say millions of dollars :) I did a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at one of Melbourne's best universities and graduated in the top 15% of all undergraduates (as in, all subjects). I never got very far though because of the anxiety and addictions. But it's really one of those "sliding doors" questions. In terms of medical costs; not a huge amount because the Australian government still subsidises health care a lot.

02-26-2017, 07:33 PM
Thousands of dollars in medical tests over the years.

02-26-2017, 09:52 PM
Oh yeah that's rough to live in the states.

02-27-2017, 12:21 AM
I saw my GP today and as usual it didn't cost me a cent. I thought about this thread and felt grateful to be living here. We are heading in the direction of the US unfortunately, but healthcare is still heavily subsidised.

My mother had a double hip replacement in 2015 (and a lengthy stay in hospital/rehab) and it was completely covered by the government. The public hospitals aren't the greatest and there was a lot of inefficiency, but once they worked out she needed her hips replaced they (the surgeons) were amazing. She went from being in a wheelchair and immense pain to walking almost unaided again. She was so grateful she wrote a long letter to the surgical team to thank them.