View Full Version : Hello! I'm new and never posted on anything before!

02-23-2017, 11:42 AM
I have hit another really bad stretch and I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for the past 9 years. It comes and goes. I've seen therapists, I've been on multiple medications, I've changed my eating, exercised and lost weight but I have not been consistent with anything and I'm right back at depression and anxiety.
My first severe bout with anxiety started around the time my first child turned 1. I was a stay at home mom in a crap marriage to a fireman/musician. I was working really hard to be perfect and loose weight, be a great mom, maintain a home, be a sex kitten, and be his number 1 groupie. The first time I experienced anxiety wasn't in the usual heart racing, dizzying, think I'm going to die way.

It started in my knee. I think a psychosomatic sort f thing (although no therapist or psychiatrist has confirmed that) I could hardly walk, put weight on my knee, or be touched. Let me digress for just a minute because all of my life I have suffered from knee pain and dislocation. After a month or so with my knee in this condition I realized it wasn't truly physical but mental. This was very hard to come to terms with because I felt humiliated and afraid. Why was this happening to me. I found a therapist, worked through some problems which were mainly marital and slowly got better.

Now this has happened 4 times since with each episode lasting 4- 6 months. I am currently in an episode now. It began back in August. I became extremely overwhelmed with my life and my "crazy knee" started to do its thing again, which means I limp around badly, struggling to walk, get social anxiety, become irritable, over eat and over drink, loose interest and become depressed.

This time I know its because I'm going through a divorce, have 3 young children, and I'm starting a new career. I have a lot on my plate. But I'm trying to get better I've been seeing a therapist since all this began, I've been on medicine, I've tried positive thinking, I continue to live my life to the best ability buy doing all the things I'm suppose to. But I have no joy and its a struggle everyday just to get out of bed. I want to walk normal and play with my kids like before. I want to get over feeling anxiety when I go out in public, get over my depression and feel normal again.

I just want to move on! I am reaching out on this forum because I feel alone and defeated. I'm hoping that writing about it will somehow help me?

02-23-2017, 04:49 PM
Hi, CatM80! Welcome to the forum! Everybody here is obviously struggling with some form of anxiety or another, and all of us are here to help you. Once you post 10 times here (this includes a reply to a somebody else's post) you can friend me and leave me a visitor message. Nobody on here seems to violate rules very often, but if they do, you can always contact me or the moderators for help. Thanks for joining, and have a nice day!

02-23-2017, 08:05 PM
Hi Cat and welcome :)

02-24-2017, 09:28 AM
Hi Cat, I am struggling from anxiety as well. It's hard and can be really debilitating if you get overwhelmed by it. To answer your question, I really think that sharing your experience with other people that can understand what you are going through and not judge you (unlike people who never suffered from any mental/mood issue) can really make a big difference and make you feel like you're not alone ! :D Feel free to contact me if you want to chat about it.
Best wishes
