View Full Version : Dealing with catastrophizing, OCD, germaphobia, etc.

02-22-2017, 03:56 PM
Don't know where to post this... Here will do. I've dealt with these things for close to 18 years now. With the germaphobia really only showing up since my boys were born. My first was 3lbs at 32wks due to preeclampsia. We were told by the Dr.s to wear gloves and masks for the first several months if even the slightest sign of sickness. I assume that kicked things off. I've dealt with catastrophizing since I was a teenager. That makes things much, much worse.

I've read and been told the same things over and over... "what is the worst case for you?", and "even if it does happen, you can't do anything worrying about it". Even the Bible says that. But my mind just doesn't 'get it'. The worst case always comes to my mind first. This is especially true with my boys, wife and health.

Also, I feel if something is even remotely avoidable (such as stomach bugs and being very 'manic' about hand washing) I go too far. I figure if there is a slight chance of avoidance due to action, then it should be done. I will also get my family out of bed for severe thunderstorm warnings at night, because there is an actual category for the National Weather Service for deaths/injuries that where recorded during a severe thunderstorm warning... I used to love sleeping to thunderstorms, now I have to watch radar and make sure my family is safe. It sucks.

02-23-2017, 09:03 AM
As someone who has struggled with OCD and germaphobia when I was a kid, I understand where you are coming from. It can feel like you are in a prison of your own mind and everything around you is dangerous. Worst of all, no one seems to understand the danger and they think you are crazy.

Now I would say i'm 99% cured of my OCD and germaphobia. I developed some techniques as a teenager that really helped me manage my mind. I discovered this book as an adult where a pair of researched from california developed similar techniques to help people with OCD. The book is called "You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life"

I'd be curious what you think of that book.