View Full Version : Hello all, whose fault is it?

02-22-2017, 07:42 AM
I think I've just got fired at work, sorta had a mental breakdown? but they didn't know about my anxiety. I don't know what happened last week but I think the bosses had enough of me that I keep fishing for reassurance like a 'nervous adult' I was told. It's like the way I speak or the way I look is un-alert and tense which leave bad impression to the work environment. I was supposed to take initiative to get the customers to come to my booth but the boss saw me looking exhausted then I was interrogated so that makes the nervousness worse.

But that's okay I've guess. I've got another job interview (just to earn money) tomorrow. I had no choice but to deal with customers while I freelance. It's just dealing with customers makes me go crazy??

Idk. but my exhausted look and the way I speak is beginning to scare my classmate as well as in everybody is asking me, "hey are you awake?" "hey can you handle with two jobs??" I need money. Also, doctors appointment makes me nervous as well. I even got 'lectured' by my eye doctors. I don't know what's going on, but all my levels are cocked up leaves me crying and confuse after every appointment. I'm seriously nervous with my psychiatrist appointment which is next week....

I have a lot of work to do...

Also, do you guys tell that you have mental illness under the questionnaire forms during interview?

02-23-2017, 07:44 PM
I would never disclose that I have an anxiety condition or "mental illness" . The only exception may be if I can be classified as having a disability in which case could be a real advantage to landing a job in government.