View Full Version : Ah anxiety, the epidemic sweeping through generation Y.

02-19-2017, 10:03 PM
Saw this title somewhere and I can relate it but I wanna blog about it my way. Hopefully, here is fine. So here goes.

I am not sure if it's just us artist, or most artist always begins with a mental illness. I know majority of people wants to be in the creative industry. I feel sad for those that gave up and goes to one of those career that's worthwhile like, 'lawyer,' 'doctor,' 'engineering,' etc... I learned this from my parents. My parents love the arts, in fact, they are the ones that influenced me but gave up. My parents jobs are personal but yes, like I said, they gave up to pursue those types of worthwhile careers (to earned money of course) then put it all out on me. Me, because I'm not good with maths, science, etc like my brother is. I graduated from a art school after high school. My medium mostly consists of what I have interest in : painting, designing, photography, filming, traveling.

And getting into media or the art industry, IS NOT EASY. So the feeling of rejection is the core based of anxiety. I only admit this when I've been given an intervention. Most artists gets rejected over 100 times. I am impressed to those that goes through rejections and doesn't have anxiety, or worked through it themselves?. I've always wanted to enter university overseas because lets face it, "cavorting around Europe or Southeast Asia is almost every college kid’s dream come true," research says... The arts, well, my parents influenced me then studying overseas, my friends, influenced me.

Here's the stressful part, getting into a work as a back up if university doesn't accepts you then that's where we struggle to work on our portfolio alone most of the time. But what happens if no company accepts you? I've been there. What happens if no matter how many times you've applied to the university that you wanted, rejected you? Or even gives you no reply? And then you're stuck. In my case, I was told by friends, I am stuck because I'm not happy with what I'm doing even if I'm doing freelancing and being a freelancer is at the bottom, feels like almost still 'unemployed' tbh. Then there comes, having family seeing you hopeless because they're telling you to give up after seeing you try many times and others, saying 'I'm being unrealistic.' The moment you're not happy about yourself, thats the moment you'll lose your status and gets nervous when people ask about YOU. it's sad ain't it.

Here's the positive side, we should at least try to learn how to approve ourselves. Here's to wishing one day our hard work will be paid off for work or school whilst paying our debts. At least, now I've stopped blaming my parents no matter how hurtful their words can get.

But what can we do if we're dealing with financial crisis? Is sucking up really the answer? Doing two jobs to pay our debts just because we can't accept we're at the bottom can worsen our anxieties though and that is why I ask, is sucking up really the answer? I can so understand why Michelle Obama says, "help the young." I know I'm not alone in this, so if anyones that's struggling own up and share your stores. :) Even I admitted it. Admit that you're struggling with failures, admit you're feeling hopeless, admit that you lied about your jobs in a way to avoid isolation, admit you're scared. Never bottled up ever, like I did. Their right, admitting is the first step to recovery.