View Full Version : What can the doctors do if without drugs?

02-18-2017, 11:42 PM
So I finally admitted that I have severe anxiety issues after being intervened. I seriously do not want anti-anxiety drugs since I have other disorders that causes this. Too many medications, like I can't take it. I want natural therapy.

Here's what my friends say:

- black sheep
- over think things
- feeling of being judged
- wanting to be like
- poor performances with life statuses
- fishing for reassurance
- guilt
- nervousness
- panicking over little things
- eat fast, speak fast
- looking exhausted
- frequent urination
- aggressive
- jittery
- easily excitable

02-19-2017, 10:27 AM
They can test you for medical issues that may be causing your anxiety, like Vitamin D deficiency, diabetes, anaemia, etc.

They can also refer you to a psychologist, who may be able to help you overcome your problem without the need for drugs.

A good book on natural therapy is The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. You might want to check that out.

02-19-2017, 10:35 AM
Definitely sounds like general anxiety disorder to me. What does your lifestyle look like? Do you drink a lot of alcohol or caffeine? How is your diet, do you exercise?

Are you open to natural supplements?

salvator here
02-19-2017, 07:44 PM
I remember this quote when I start to feel guilt.

"The worst guilt is to accept an unearned guilt." (Key word *accept*)

To me this means, sometimes, the only thing we are (truly) guilty of is accepting the feeling(s) of guilt and self punishment for things we may have or not have done without giving ourselves the benefit of doubt we so freely give to others.

02-19-2017, 08:01 PM
Sadly there is a lot of influencing out there to take medication. It's a bit like alcoholics feeling better when they see others drink. Of course the industry does not help.

Forget about what others tell you; ask yourself what you think is triggering your unease. Once you identify whats not working, work towards implementing strategies, routines, circumstances, escapes, distractions all of which can be help sort through talking to a therapist that is not pro medicine. You can further look to making other changes in your lifestyle such as diet, activity, stimulus, (outings that do not necessarily require "others") ... work on yourself rather than worry about what others think.

If you don't want to take meds, then don't take them. The resolve of which you don't want to, will be the determining factor. There are plenty of alternatives. Just start "doing" trialing some of the above rather than waiting until you have a huge list. The only way you will know what works for you is by testing things out for yourself. Litle by little ... it takes time to make changes and set new habbits. I think the hardest part is making the effort and crawling out of that pit of despair where we all find ourselves when realizing we need to make changes.

The hardest part for me on medication was staying motivated to live naturally. Once I started relying on comfort I ended up worse off than when I first started. It's very hard to find professional help that utilizes natural alternatives as well as meds. I think there is a place for both and at the same time ... but not at the rate they are currently pushed and or fan fared by those who focus more medication rather than root cause and lifestyle changes.

Full credit to you.

02-19-2017, 10:08 PM
hey I continued this at another forum :)

02-20-2017, 01:26 AM
Glad you checked back into this one.

All the best with whatever path you take. ;)

02-20-2017, 10:31 AM
Maybe consulting with a natural physician or pharmacist may help as they may be able to point
you in the right direction.

02-21-2017, 07:33 AM
Have you tried seeing a counselor (or medical hypnotist) yet? Those would be two good routes to investigate if you don't want to use medication.

02-21-2017, 08:57 AM
Have you tried seeing a counselor (or medical hypnotist) yet? Those would be two good routes to investigate if you don't want to use medication.

i will be sent there soon. btw, does 'depression & anxiety' considered as mental illness? I'll probably be back to 'speech therapy, family therapy and psychologist' to treat this... Yeah, I've been there before but it wasn't a success so I escape. I've been like this forever, i just didn't notice it and those type of therapy, I attend to. I'm SERIOUSLY nervous to admit all my behaviours. my friends would be seriously disappointed if I escape again.. I hope there's other choices of therapy though, I do not wanna focus on the past.

02-23-2017, 09:08 AM
There are lots of different choices of therapy. Cognitive behavioral, emotionally focused therapy, mindfulness based therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, hypnotherapy, etc...

Find a counselor you can connect with and teaches you things that make sense with your belief system. I personally love mindfulness based therapy and ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy), but I also know people who have gotten great results with CBT.

It's okay to try out multiple counselors until you find one that you like!