View Full Version : Anyone get anxiety from making eye contact with people on tv/computer ?

02-17-2017, 04:01 PM
I usally get anxious when I make eye contact with the person on TV or computer . I don't know what causes it, and it's a fairly new fear. I've never had it before. I don't have an issue with eye contact with people in the real world. Does anyone else have this issue?

02-23-2017, 08:59 AM
This seems to be pretty rare. I would be careful not to feed this fear.

When the anxiety crops up about eye contact with someone on a screen, just remind yourself that it's your brain misfiring and that you are safe. I would recommend holding eye contact with the figure for a few extra seconds.

This sounds like something you could nip in the bud before it grows to a phobia!

salvator here
02-23-2017, 08:04 PM
I seem to have the opposite, I have trouble with eye contact in the real world. I wear tinted glasses to help. Are you worried the person can see you on your webcam? I put a piece of tape over mine.