View Full Version : Feeling not real

11-02-2008, 04:55 PM
Has anyone ever experienced this. Feeling like your in a dream. Or not really who you are,

11-03-2008, 10:42 AM
Absolutley have felt like this! You are soooo not alone with this one. Its commonly known as derealization and is widely held to be one of the more disturbing symptoms of anxiety.
I have a lot of this feeling and its prompted a lot of intrusive thoughts concerning whether anything is real or whether i've gone mad, etc... Its very disturbing and upsetting and i really feel for you.
As for how to live with it theres not much you can do apart from reminding yourself that it IS just anxiety and although its disturbing it won't hurt. Just try and relax with it and carry on with life as best as you can...be around people and keep living life, relax and get some rest...Derealzation is a lot to do with tiredness as a result of anxiety and rest and relaxation goes a long way to overcoming it!
I hope this helps a little..

11-04-2008, 07:10 AM
YES! And it sucks.

11-04-2008, 10:40 AM
I had this and it is called depersonalisation/derealisation. Its truly horrible and its scary. I think it is one of the worst parts of having anxiety. I had it for a few weeks, where I seemed to be having the strangest surreal thoughts and feelings like I was on another planet, watching this one where I felt so alone and lost in it all, even though I could be surrounded by people that I know. I overcame it somehow and I no longer get it, so it is possible for it to go away. I changed my diet to an unprocessed, unrefined, natural one, I take natural supplements, I dont touch prescribed medication,I get plenty of rest and relaxation and also exercise. I keep myself busy and if I am relaxing I make sure I am reading or using the net or watching tv or chatting - basically distracting myself from thinking too much about anxiety! I stopped smoking and drinking. Since I did this, I dont know whether it is a coincidence or not, but the depersonlisation/realisation just disapeared and has not for several months on returned, thankfully! I hope it goes away for you soon.

11-08-2008, 04:41 AM
I get it about everyday in my life.

11-09-2008, 03:20 PM
I can relate to this alot... I worried about this for about 4 years.. unfortunity, it's recently all come back over a small worry...

I'm having CBT again, and i should be fine again soon...

The thing is with derealisation is that no-matter how much you know about it,
you know its completely HARMLESS
you know your not going to die
you know its just a thought/feeling

it still doesn't stop you from getting upset! its bloody horrible.. I feel completely fake at the moment..... I am, however, ALOT more prepared this time, i know what to do and hopefully, i should get out of the vicious cycle soon..It's just worrying about worrying!

What i keep doing is refering to the past, because i keep questioning myself if i'm actually here.. does anyone else get these thoughts?

anyway guys, all the best!

11-09-2008, 03:23 PM
by the way, i found this extremely usefull!

http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/deperson ... ation.html (http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/depersonalisation_and_derealisation.html)

give it a read, it's worth it!

remember, KEEP GOING... it's just a feeling! it's just a thought!

11-10-2008, 12:27 PM

This is called existential detachment. Its the same thing that happens to your ears after you leave a loud christian death metal concert. =)

ONLY... it's happening to the cognitive part of your nervous system. This generally occurs when you've been under a great deal of SUDDEN stress. Maybe a shock...

IF you had experienced ongoing escalating stress... then you'd likely not experience cognitive dissonance. The nervous system adapts to slowly escalating stress... BUT gets shocked to sudden increases.

Chances are... when your nerves fully reassociate, you'll experience depression. Depression happens when your nervous system is exhausted... Its really not a mystery... your muscles may be perfectly energetic.. BUT YOUR NERVES are exhausted. So... be ok with what comes... you dont want any more surprises!