View Full Version : Are You An Empath

salvator here
02-14-2017, 07:25 PM

So a new member here mentioned they are am "Empath". I never really heard of it before so I researched it online and that took me to this website:


I hope its alright to post a link, I don't normally do that, so if its against the rules I'll edit or delete it altogether.

Here is the site that tests whether or not your are an Empath based on the answers given to the questions asked. Some of the questions asked seemed a bit unflattering but I answered a 5 on agree regardless to be truthful.

Accept for the majority of the questions I was closer to disagree on the following questions, and the reason(s) being:

You can influence the moods of those around you.
I was in the middle with a 3, because, I tend to be a pushover at times and my introverted self will cower to those that are more stern, even if I am in conflict with the views being portrayed. Hope that makes sense here.

The energy of the ocean, forest, or nature is preferable to the city.
I answered 2, because I don't get the chance to be near the ocean often, and I don't spend much time in the woods anymore, though I would given the opportunity.

You have to be near water.
2 again for the same reason pretty much and I enjoy being new water, but its not essential.

Below are my results from the test:

Your Super Serious Title is: The Atlas Empath (Planetary Healer)

Your Total Score: 72 out of 80
Your Out of Control Healer Score: 10 out of 10
Your Protection Tools Score: 25 out of 25
How Much You Mirror Others Unconsciously Score: 15 out of 15
Your Appreciation for Nature Score: 7 out of 10

You scored extremely high on the overall results. You are definitely an empath.

You are highly intuitive and can almost always tell when people are lying. You like water but don't absolutely need to be near it. Your second chakra does okay. You like the hustle and bustle of the city! This is highly unusual for empaths! You have a deep love and appreciation for nature. You recognize the sacred expression of all beings. You are truly wise. But you seem fairly normal -- able to influence people at times.

You need to learn how to recognize and differentiate other people's energy from yours. Learning psychic/empathic meditation tools will help. You scored the worst on the "Mirroring Others Unconsciously" portion of the quiz. It looks like you have a tendency to mirror other people and their energy. This means that you give up your energetic seniority at the whim of the world's changing winds (in other words: other people are able to control or influence you too much on an energy level). You would benefit from learning to control your crown chakra and probably cord removal or healing work.

Sorry, but you scored the lowest on the "Has Protection Tools" section of the quiz. This indicates that you are definitely an out of control healer and you would benefit immensely from energy work, cord-removal, and protection tools. You are a wonderful and loving person. You are also what is known as an "out of control healer!" You would benefit immensely from energy work and empathic tools for releasing guilt and responsibility.

As you can see/read in red, I appear to be somewhat conflicted and am still trying to process the results. Although I'm slightly concerned, unfortunately, its sad but true. However, I haven't the slightest idea what this means form the test results.

"You would benefit from learning to control your crown chakra and probably cord removal or healing work."

I wonder what other AF members feel about this :)

02-14-2017, 08:07 PM
The only Empath I ever saw or heard of was on an episode of Star Trek.

salvator here
02-14-2017, 08:43 PM
I guess I find this sort of stuff amusing, I've learned to not take things such as this too seriously though, because I have had many physic readings when I was younger and they were dead wrong - all of them. I take online tests pertaining to physic readings, and lately, they have been not all that far off. I can't explain some of the "feelings" I've had over the years and now at this point in life, but I chalk much of it to quite normal reactions according to my life experiences.

02-15-2017, 01:53 AM
Your Super Serious Title is: The Planetary Healer Empath

Your Total Score: 69 out of 80
Your Out of Control Healer Score: 9 out of 10
Your Protection Tools Score: 20 out of 25
How Much You Mirror Others Unconsciously Score: 13 out of 15
Your Appreciation for Nature Score: 10 out of 10

You scored extremely high on the overall results. You are definitely an empath.

You are pretty intuitive and can usually tell when people are lying. You may want to look into getting energy work and healing done on your second chakra. Usually people that need to be around water all the time have blocks in their second chakras. You love nature and unconsciously understand its healing effects -- which is a general, but strong indicator that you are an empath. You have a deep love and appreciation for nature. You recognize the sacred expression of all beings. You are truly wise. But you have a gift for influencing the moods, energies, atmospheres, and environments around you.

You need to work on differentiating other people's energy from yours. Learning how to run your energy will help. You scored fairly poor on the "Mirroring Others Unconsciously" portion of the quiz. It looks like you have a tendency to mirror other people and their energy. Your score indicates that you would benefit from learning to recognize your own energy and learning to run it through your body, rather than running your friend's or family's energy.

You scored pretty low on the "Has Protection Tools" section of the quiz. This means that you need to learn how to protect your aura. You also might benefit from cord-removal and other energy work. You are so caring and loving that you put others before yourself -- to your detriment. You are most likely an out of control healer. You would benefit from energy work and empath tools for releasing guilt and responsibility.

The Intolerable Kid
02-15-2017, 07:28 AM
What Kirk said. :)

salvator here
02-15-2017, 07:34 AM

I've been reading this morning and looking at peoples websites, I discovered they are mostly selling their service(s)j for the most part. I did find a lot of helpful information, nonetheless. As I say, I'm not taking it too seriously, but it could be helpful given we remove the "Hocus Pocus" from it and bring it back to logic. I've decided to not post links to websites that I don't know without knowing the intentions of the webmasters/owners, so if anybody wants to do their own research on this, search online about "Energy Cord" and read at your own discretion for entertainment purposes.

This is what I think pertaining to this:

I think anxiety and depression makes us more aware than the average person. We see things much deeper and are more observant of people as a result and more self aware, and almost become experts at reading peoples body language. As far as "Mirroring Others Unconsciously", for me, this seems to be true. I don't necessarily think its a bad thing to learn to become a chameleon as a survival tool. Maybe its that fine balance between allowing others to control us and still stand our ground (something I will admit I'm not all that good at in social situation).

Now to.. "Has Protection Tools" part.

Reading today I was able to draw my own conclusions on this. They seem to be referring to the Energy Cord as a connection between people and ourselves on a spiritual level - a cord between 2 people that needs to be cut. So far, I'm not totally sold on this as is. However, I would entertain that I keep past situations and people in my mind and have a hard time letting go of friendships that ended unresolved.

I guess looking at it logically, we should protect/guard ourselves better (Protection Tools) form people that don't have our best of intentions at heart. I'm much more guarded emotionally that I used to be, but I'm also much more closed off and don't allow people to get very close anymore; so its a toss up I guess. I was reading that if people have the right "tools", people wouldn't be able to create this cord in the first place. While this could be true to some degree, I don't subscribe to the idea that we invite bad situations upon ourselves at all. Shit just happens and we can only do our best to deal with it best as possible!

Here is a youtube vid that I came across that seems to explain it.


PS: Thanks Kirk, Gypsy, and The Intolerable Kid for your input. To be honest, I don't really like the idea of giving up my control to unexplained fantasy world such as this, I try hard to rely on logic, so if I can't make sense of it in this way, I will take what I can from it (reason out the beliefs into logic) and dismiss it as it doesn't really help me.

02-15-2017, 10:39 AM
It sounds very questionable to me.

02-15-2017, 10:40 AM
And I would save your money for something that is proven to work.

02-15-2017, 10:21 PM
I actually found that quite helpful. I already know about these "energy cords" and the key is to not take the idea *literally* but *symbolically*. So I don't think there is an actual cord but the idea that a person can "hook their cord" into you because you have baggage in some area of your psyche is a concept I definitely believe.

For example, my daughter's father is a textbook narcissist who has caused a massive amount of stress in my life and my family's life for the last 15 years or so (since I left him). But none of this stuff ever happens in isolation and there's a whole lot of family baggage behind it, such as my grandfathers (on both sides) being abusive, controlling alcoholics.. Which of course affected my parents and then me and my brother. So it's not like my ex is The Devil and we are saintly victims! For a long time I felt like that and still do a lot of the time, but if I can step back and not get overwhelmed by the stress (and anger in particular), I can see the role we have played in the situation.

Once again I'm involved in a situation right now with my ex and my daughter that is causing me frustration and anger. This is where the AA Serenity Prayer becomes very relevant - "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

The bottom line is always that the only thing we can really change is ourselves and this is where the "cords" become relevant, in that I can try and focus on the baggage that is allowing my ex to get to me, rather than him himself. So I watched the video and imagined the gold light surrounding me, instead of arguing with my daughter and her father online. Again, that's a symbolic thing and you could imagine any coloured light or anything really.

My signature relates to this whole thing as well.. It's based on Alchemy and the symbology of transmuting lead into gold..

Gypsy x

01-04-2020, 08:30 PM
Your Super Serious Title is: The Planetary Healer Empath

Your Total Score: 70 out of 80
Your Out of Control Healer Score: 9 out of 10
Your Protection Tools Score: 23 out of 25
How Much You Mirror Others Unconsciously Score: 11 out of 15
Your Appreciation for Nature Score: 10 out of 10

You scored extremely high on the overall results. You are definitely an empath.

You are pretty intuitive and can usually tell when people are lying. You may want to look into getting energy work and healing done on your second chakra. Usually people that need to be around water all the time have blocks in their second chakras. You love nature and unconsciously understand its healing effects -- which is a general, but strong indicator that you are an empath. You have a deep love and appreciation for nature. You recognize the sacred expression of all beings. You are truly wise. But you have a wonderful ability to sway and change the moods, energies, atmospheres, and environments around you.

It looks like once in a while other people's energy effects you. You scored toward the middle of the "Mirroring Others Unconsciously" portion of the quiz. This means that you mirror other's sometimes and you would benefit from learning some more advanced energy protection tools.

You scored very low on the "Has Protection Tools" section of the quiz. This means that your ability to protect yourself energetically is poor. You are like a psychic sponge. You would benefit from energy healing and empathic protection tools! You are so caring and loving that you put others before yourself -- to your detriment. You are most likely an out of control healer. You would benefit from energy work and empath tools for releasing guilt and responsibility.
I like gypsy I am a lot into this things. A lot of that is actually true. I always feel the best at water , Water is calming me down so is nature, I am a tree huger and not ashamed of it Third generation of tarot readers , I would say I know people pretty well. Sure I know when they lying, even here I can read and know which is true and what is not
I work with pendulum and other devices and it is not fairy tale, It is a true ; some people are connected with world some working on better connection, Most feel to lazy to do something. It is easier to deny , is it not?
I also worked with energies and do have healing abilities. No doubts about it