View Full Version : Health anxiety

02-14-2017, 02:25 PM
Hi all, I've never posted here before but reading through threads and posts on here helps calm me down a little bit, this might be a lengthier post but if anyone can give me some advice I would be extremely grateful :) I always used to suffer from ridiculous health anxiety (on top of general anxiety, regular panic attacks and depression) but after a few years of therapy and leaving the school where my problems had originally stemmed from (due to bullying) I got a lot better and was leading a somewhat healthier life until very recently.

Around a week and a half ago my friends decided they wanted to go to the cinema and invited me along, I decided I wanted to come along as well. The problem with this is that when I was 16 I was taken on a date to the cinema by a guy who ended up doing some really horrible and sexual things to me that I didn't consent to which basically ruined going to the cinema for me (my 3 closest friends, my boyfriend and my parents are the only people that I've told about this). After I'd agreed to go with them a couple of days went by and I began having chest pain on my left side. It wasn't ridiculously bad and I could cope with it, but it was definietly a noticable ache. I just decided to ignore it. The next day was the day before the cinema trip and the chest pain was the same I ended up having my first panic attack in around 4 months because I was so scared about my heart and chest but I just tried to breathe through it which worked to an extent, but I was still very shaken up afterwards. I ended up falling asleep rather early (for me) that night at around 9pm but I was woken up by my own body at around 3 am with another panic attack this time so bad that I genuinely thought I was about to die, but I couldn't do anything about it because everyone was asleep. I eventually calmed down but didnt get back to sleep after that and continued to have chest pains for the rest of the day.

That night we ended up going to the cinema, I just brought in a bottle of water because I was so scared that the chest pain was something to do with my heart (it's something I've always been worried about from about the age of 6/7) and I didn't want to eat or drink anything that might have made me feel worse. I ended up having a good time with my friends and after leaving the pain went away and I just put it down to me being anxious about going back to the place where such bad things had happened to me.

I woke up the next morning (I had stayed at my best friends house) and had the pain again and have had the pain come and go since. I tried to ignore it and put it down to my body just trying to calm down over the whole situation but it's been almost a week since I went to the cinema and I just keep getting more and more scared that it's something to do with my heart and that I'm going to die. I used to get chest pains when I was younger and the doctors always said it was anxiety and I needed to calm down and try not to think about it, I'm just scared of going back because I know that they'll say the same thing again.

I'm an 18 year old female (very young haha) and have had 2 ECGs in the past which ended up finding out that I have tachycardia (my heart beat is faster than average) but doctors have put me on beta blockers for it and since getting better I haven't really had as much trouble with my anxiety issues until now. I just don't know what to do. I am convinced I'm going to have a heart attack any day now and I'm terrified. I can't even convince myself otherwise I just sit there and continuously check my pulse every few minutes to make sure my heart is still going. Sometimes when I take pain killers they work and othertimes the pain is still there, if I distract myself the pain usually goes away for a while but it keeps coming back. It go to the point last night where I actually had a nightmare about my heart stopping and I couldn't get back to sleep.

My parents have started saying it's probably because I'm stressed with picking university choices and that's why the chest pain is happening, but I've been lucky enough to recieve an unconditional offer from a university which I've accepted (meaning no matter what I've been accepted into the university and will be attending next year). I really don't know what to do anymore and its been years since I've had thearapy and I don't remember any way to cope with whats going on. I don't even know if anyone will be able to help I just needed to write it all out I don't know if this is just me being a hypochondria or if there's something actually wring and if there was how would I even be able to tell the difference??

Sorry that this is such a mess, I'm not the best at writing

02-14-2017, 05:12 PM
Hi Gee_willy,

It sounds like you taken some good steps by getting checked out by a doctor. I would recommend perhaps seeing a counselor or a hypnotherapist to help with strategies to manage anxiety. They may be able to teach you some skills which will help avoid panic attacks.

Have you heard of different breathing techniques that help with calmness?

Have you investigated mindfulness meditation as a way to help manage anxiety?

I used to have a lot more anxiety but after starting a daily practicing of meditation (about 15-20 minutes a day), my anxiety has drastically reduced.