View Full Version : Need some guidance

02-13-2017, 05:26 PM

I here to just get some feedback i suppose. Ive been dealing with anxiety for 4 years now, atleast what i think it is now, im too stubborn to admit it or go to a doctor.... this is hard to put into words even on a keyboard... well i guess its gotten worse and thats why im here. Ive been having what i think are panic attacks every other day now, let me go further into that. Yesterday i had one when I was walking up my sidewalk to the front door, just the feeling of my heart going through the roof, adrenaline shooting to my fingertips, and a complete attention to my surroundings. My hands are shaking, sounds and lights become sensitive to my ears and eyes. I dont know if I feel fear but I feel that Im ready if something was to occur that strikes fear. But i also feel fatigued. I almost feel that im not there in my body, this usually sets later in the 'attack'. I dont know if this is anxiety, but everything that ive read leads to this, I dont want to believe it, I was raised tough minded, hell i joined the Marine Corps right outta highschool with my twin brother. Being in this state of mind is not my nature and excepting that is really difficult for me. What i think really provoked the panic attacks more often is, I was just diagnosed with Meniere's Disease, lost hearing in my left ear and got shit storm of symptoms. Doctor said anxiety is common in most patients. I want to go to a my GP but i cant bring myself to do it, i cant even bring myself to do a lot of tasks. Being social, sending emails, driving, going places or events, small talk, saying hello to a passerbyer, making eye contact, talking about feelings, even writing this im not even sure if can press the damn post button. Theres a mound of things, i could go on forever. I just need to know if im feeling what other people that suffer from this are feeling and how you talked to a proffessional, without shit hitting the fan.

02-13-2017, 08:30 PM
Hi and welcome :)

Yes, that definitely sounds like anxiety. I had no choice but to talk to professionals because I was 19 when my anxiety got debilitating and my mother sent me to a doctor, who referred me to a psychiatrist. They all thought I was going crazy - Mum is a complete drama queen and it was 1993, so anxiety wasn't half as out in the open as it is now. It was terrifying and the psych put me on about 3 different meds, which turned me into a complete zombie.

Nowadays things are so much different though and I totally recommend seeing someone about it. It's still pretty hit-and-miss and some professionals are WAY better than others, but I think even seeing an average doctor is better than nothing. Anxiety just "festers" if you don't do anything about it.

Another thing I recommend is books on anxiety.. The DARE Response by Barry McDonagh is good, The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris and anything by Claire Weekes. These authors all simplify anxiety, which is very helpful in itself.

All the best,
Gypsy x