View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

02-13-2017, 10:35 AM
About 6 months ago i was working and felt somthing weird in my chest like i was not getting anouth oxygen was a real strange feeling i went to the doctor they said i was fine about 3 days later it stopped since then ive been getting random mustle spazams randomly all diffrent parts of my body most days also i get a twitch in my eye lid or a droopy eyelid somtimes also pins n needles in my face and sometimes a burning sensation in my head and somtimes pain in my arm or leg this is all been over that last 6 months it comes and goes the doctor told me its anxiety but im not sure ive never had a panic attac or anything like that and thease symptoms just start randomly i would be watchin a film walking the dog ect i find it hard to believe this can be anxiety ive just been ignoring them but 6 months down the line there still there what do you all think could this be Anxiety?

02-13-2017, 11:40 AM

It could be anxiety but if it lasts that long, i think you must been worrying about something.
Yes anxiety sometimes has no reason but from time to time there must be a reason.

02-13-2017, 11:51 AM

It could be anxiety but if it lasts that long, i think you must been worrying about something.
Yes anxiety sometimes has no reason but from time to time there must be a reason.

I dont think im worrying about anything i could be out with mates having a great time and suddenly get a symptom out of noware i did think it might of been some sort of blood clott at first but i duno now

02-15-2017, 02:12 PM
It could be Generalised Anxierty, you can search for it on internet and look if it sounds familiar, make a self test and if it positive then get diagnosed.