View Full Version : Help! I can't stop sweating at work!

02-10-2017, 12:40 AM
24 year old female here. I have social anxiety, GAD, depression and narcolepsy. I take zoloft, and adderall as a stimulant for the narcolepsy. I also see a therapist.

I work with the public as a receptionist in a stressful environment. It is the second job I had where I have been pulled aside to be talked to about body odor. This is because work is the only place that I start sweating under my arms uncontrollably from social anxiety.

I used "clinical strength" deoderant and it apparently did nothing. I now use a different brand, an antiperspirant spray and have baby wipes with me at all times. Even with all that, I still manage to keep sweating through it all even when I apply it the night before. Though now I'm just hoping it isn't smelling as bad.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

02-10-2017, 02:43 PM
Have you seen a medical doctor about the sweating? I know you used clinical strength deodorant, but maybe they have another special type of deodorant.

Also, if your social anxieties are real bad at your job, then that tells me that you're not on the right medication for your anxiety. Getting on a medication for the anxiety that keeps you a lot more calm then the psych meds you're currently on should help with the sweating. You probably won't sweat a lot if you're not nervous at your job in the first place.