View Full Version : Depersonalization

02-09-2017, 06:56 PM
On occasion when we drive across town, I get this horrible out of body feeling called depersonalization. Don't know if I spelled that right. Believe it or not, I also get it on occasion here at home when I sit in our large living room to watch the big screen. It's the vaulted ceiling, very open, etc.. Today I watched a couple of DVDs that were walks through the Cotswolds in England. This married couple travel all over the world and film walks and bike rides so that when you ware watching the dvd, it feels like you are the one that is walking or riding your bike down the road. I got this icky feeling really bad today after watching 2 dvds about walking through the Cotswolds and I still feel crappy tonight. Can anyone explain exactly why this happens, what it is? I don't even bother trying to research it online because all I get are medical explanations which don't really explain it in plain words. Maybe if I knew why this happens and how it happens, etc.. it wouldn't be such a scary experience. I watched these 2 dvds hours ago and I still feel out-of-body. Icky....freaky..

02-09-2017, 07:08 PM
On occasion when we drive across town, I get this horrible out of body feeling called depersonalization. Don't know if I spelled that right. Believe it or not, I also get it on occasion here at home when I sit in our large living room to watch the big screen. It's the vaulted ceiling, very open, etc.. Today I watched a couple of DVDs that were walks through the Cotswolds in England. This married couple travel all over the world and film walks and bike rides so that when you ware watching the dvd, it feels like you are the one that is walking or riding your bike down the road. I got this icky feeling really bad today after watching 2 dvds about walking through the Cotswolds and I still feel crappy tonight. Can anyone explain exactly why this happens, what it is? I don't even bother trying to research it online because all I get are medical explanations which don't really explain it in plain words. Maybe if I knew why this happens and how it happens, etc.. it wouldn't be such a scary experience. I watched these 2 dvds hours ago and I still feel out-of-body. Icky....freaky..

Yeah Depersonalization and it's cousin - Derealization are the two worst anxiety symptoms, IMO and I've had them all. Nobody knows exactly why it happens, but it's basically a defense mechanism of your brain in the face of high anxiety. It's harmless but very uncomfortable. If you want to stop it, you must focus on reducing stress.

02-09-2017, 07:34 PM
I don't have any stress, except what I might create in my own mind, but I am relieved to hear you explain it. It's not as scary now. Thank you Teafrenzy! Watching those DVDs made me feel like I was right in England myself. This is what keeps me from traveling... the fear of having anxiety attacks in a strange place. ARGH!

02-09-2017, 08:22 PM
I nearly always get it when I first leave the house and I'm out driving in traffic, especially during the day. It's like the whole thing is too overwhelming - one minute I'm at home and the next I'm in this car surrounded by other cars and buildings and stuff! At night it's less overwhelming because it's dark and so there's less stimulation. I've learned not to pay it too much attention and just turn my music up and trust that I can drive well, and it subsides.

02-10-2017, 05:47 PM
I wonder what brings this on. I used to drive city bus, plus am retired from law enforcement. There wasn't any place I couldn't go and now that's all changed.

02-10-2017, 09:12 PM
Oh I've always been over stimulated by too much going on around me. Mum says even as a child I would go a bit "funny" in busy shopping centres.

I agree with Teafrenzy that it's probably stress.. Often the cause isn't obvious. Are you female?

02-11-2017, 02:05 PM
Yes, I'm Marilyn. I was always super busy. When I quit working full-time, I ran an online gift shop and also designed websites. After a few years the store business slowed down so I closed it and now just do web design. I think for the first time in my adult life I have too much spare time on my hands AND mind and that might be the problem. My mind is turning on itself. You know that old saying, 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop'. Oy.....

02-11-2017, 02:08 PM
How do we put a profile pic up? I looked and don't see anything...

02-11-2017, 08:23 PM
It's in the "settings" bit :)

I asked if you were female because women have the added bonus of hormonal changes - not just the monthly ones but the long-term ones. I've got an appointment next month with a gyno (plus a pelvic scan) because I'm 43 and I'm sure "stuff" is going on which really affects my moods, not to mention the physical symptoms. I've read some stories on a forum by women who felt like they were going crazy in their 40s because of their hormones. I think this is something that's overlooked a lot when it comes to anxiety and depression.

It might not be that but yeah, I'm using your thread to rant a bit on this ;)

02-12-2017, 02:34 PM
I'm past that stage in my life now and when I was in perimenopause, I didn't have issues like I do now. It's just so strange.