View Full Version : Did this happen to anyone??

02-09-2017, 11:22 AM
Hey everyone!!

So two days ago i was fine at school drawing and when i looked up to the teacher i felt lightheaded, but it was just a felling, i inmeadiately
thought i was dying (i got some fear of death issues) which made me panic and worry. Well i got home and my mum said that its probably nothing,
but a few hours later the same thing happened. It goes away after a while, i also have fathige, tiredness, and like a preasure on the head but the
weird thing is, that it comes and goes. Now im worried its something bad. My question is: Did this happen to anyone? And can anxiety make you like
make up these symptoms becayse i worry too much??

Thanks already :D

02-09-2017, 11:29 AM
I get this all the time especially experienced this a lot when I was dealing with fatigue. If you experience experience fatigue as well, I recommend looking into adrenal fatigue.

Frequent lightheadedness especially upon standing up is a common symptom. When my adrenal fatigue was bad everytime I would stand up fast my vision would disappear for a few seconds and I'd have to grab hold of something I would be so close to fainting. Placing excess worry and stress on the issue definitely will make it worse.

02-09-2017, 11:45 AM
Thanks for your answer!

Yes i get those too sometimes but im not meanming that, its just a feeling that um getting light headed or that in gona pass
out but nothing really happens, its a weird feeling that i get, nothing happens with my vision or anything.

02-09-2017, 04:53 PM
It wasn't only with my vision that was just a more dramatic experience. I get light headed often, it is not something I would worry about if I was you