View Full Version : GAD, quitting caffeine and St. John's Wort

02-01-2017, 06:27 PM
Hello, I'm new here.
I have had GAD since my late teens (I am 34 now). It may also come with OCD because I have obsessive tendencies and addictions (love addiction and internet addiction). My GAD used to be so bad that I used to get panic attacks, agoraphobia, depersonalization, and bodily aches and pains for years!
Two years ago I gave up coffee, which I didn't realize was exacerbating my GAD. After a few months, my anxiety was significantly improved. I had switched to black tea and after two years it too started to make me anxious, so a month and a half ago I quit all caffeine (coffee, tea, etc.).
Since I have been trying to overcome love addiction and internet addiction, I figured that St. John's Wort may work to curb the obsessive thoughts and anxiety (I had some success with it in 2009-2010). I have been on SJW, flaxseed oil and a B-complex vitamin for one month now and the obsessions and anxiety have decreased somewhat. So now without any caffeine and with the above combo of supplements, I am beginning to have an even mood throughout the day (which is great) and this weird "just there" mood with minimal anxiety. At this point, I am worried about why I am not anxious anymore and why the obsessions aren't as strong!

My question is: has anyone taking medication felt something like this? It is almost like feeling normal, but I am worried about why the anxiety that I've had my entire adult life is no longer there. It's like there is a void where the anxiety and obsessions used to be that needs to be filled. Can anyone identify?

02-02-2017, 06:26 AM
Had severe GAD before. Being on anti-acid meds helped me for the first yr, but made the GAS symptoms worse onwards. Overcoming this was made possible by consuming mineral water and Manuka honey daily, without any meds

02-02-2017, 09:56 AM
You cured GAD with mineral water and Manuka honey only? Did you give up caffeine etc?

02-02-2017, 10:37 AM
You are worried about not having anxiety anymore...that is a first, isn't that a good thing and what you were initially after?

Caffeine has been known to increase anxiety through multiple biological mechanisms including cortisol and adrenal spikes as well as a decrease in magnesium which is vital for keeping anxiety down. Cutting out caffeine made a big difference in my anxiety as well.

St Johns Wort is considered to be able to increase serotonin like many anti depressants and many users report a decrease in anxiety while taking it. When I took it I definitely noticed an increase in well being. An increase in serotonin may likely be why your obsessions have decreased as well.

Hope this helps!

02-02-2017, 09:22 PM
At this point, I am worried about why I am not anxious anymore and why the obsessions aren't as strong!

I can't tell you how much I love this! This may be the greatest quote every written on this website!

02-03-2017, 08:46 AM
I can't tell you how much I love this! This may be the greatest quote every written on this website!

Really? A lot of people think that SSRIs make them emotionless and blunt emotions. With St. John's Wort, I find that it diminishes emotional reactions as well as my anxiety....but everyone is different. One side effect has been insomnia though so I am going to have to take in before 4 PM every day.