View Full Version : Newbie

01-12-2006, 09:53 AM
Hi I'm new.....I'm a 31 y/o mother of two, married for 10 years to dh. I've been diagnosed with depression and GAD. I was on Effexor for five years but the dose kept having to be added to, so I went off it with my doctor's help. Now I use St. John's wort and some other herbal, naturally based things to help me. It helps that I have lost 53 lbs over the last 7 months or so. I still have some to lose.

Mostly I have trouble with anxiety. It manifests as little aches and pains, itching, hives, etc. Although I am on the road to recovery, it's something that I'm sure I'll have to deal with for my whole life.

Looking forward to getting to know y'all and learning things to help my anxiety. :D Cyndi

01-12-2006, 12:01 PM
Welcome Cyndi, glad to have you here. It sounds like you could give some of us advice. I'm proud of you that you have handled things so well. :) Hope to see you around alot more in the future.

Cath :)

01-13-2006, 07:10 AM
A lot of time I do handle it ok, then other times I don't.....last night I had an episode and had to take 1/2 a xanax. I've had to do that once or twice a wk for the last three weeks to a month, when for quite awhile I wasn't taking them at all or once a month or two at most. That's why I joined the board, so I can get advice and other tips and tricks. Anyway, thanks for the welcome, hope to see you more soon! :)Cyndi