View Full Version : Highs and Lows, am I bipolar?

01-31-2017, 03:22 PM
Through my battle with depression and anxiety, I've discovered many things that will help me feel better, one being having a copious amount of ambition which involves a ton of internal drive, listening to motivational speakers during the day, and putting in tons of work to achieve personal goals.
For the passed week its been great I've finally seen some lights, but its a common pattern that whenever I have these HUGE highs, I also simliar HUGE lows. Now I'm upset because Im afraid to pursue that ambition again because I don't want to have a huge comedown. Is this a symptom of being bipolar? I really do want to achieve a lot in my life but this holds me back so much and it makes me think I'm not able to achieve any of it because my lows will go too far.

01-31-2017, 05:12 PM
No, it's a symptom of general anxiety. Bipolar disorder is misunderstood. The highs and lows do not just change on a dime. The high period may last for weeks or months before changing over to the low period and vice versa. Anxiety is common to create huge mood swings. You have mood swings not BPD.

02-01-2017, 11:43 AM
I used to have the exact same problem and I was always curious myself if it was bipolar or not.

For me, I was suffering from really bad adrenal fatigue. Occasionally I would get spurts of energy which would make me feel good for a bit and then I would push so hard to get things done in that time that I would push myself further down the hole once I crashed. You may be experiencing something similar, I struggled with this for years but haven't had much of a low period in months. I take steps daily to ensure I feel better and I am prepared mentally for any mild crash that may come my way now!

02-01-2017, 07:01 PM
Do you ever have periods of time where you just feel "hyper", like maybe restless and can't sleep and feel like you might want to spend money or stay up all night? And how low are your lows? If they are REALLY low and if your highs are REALLY high you may have it.
The only way to know for sure is to get checked out by a professional.