View Full Version : Is this normal?? Do I have Anxiety?!?

01-27-2017, 12:41 PM
Hi Guys..

So for the past year or so I've slowly been having the odd symptom which I'd google and 9 times out of 10 it'd come back saying it was anxiety..

just over 2 years ago I lost my mum to dementia and for the past 6 months (maybe longer) I've been getting increasingly worried that I'm showing similar issues.. below are some of the things I'm experiencing..

Muddling up the odd words (at least every day)
No Motivation / Energy
Mood Swings / Very Irritable
I really don't like socializing
Getting increasingly stressed with work

Those are things I've been having for a while now, more recently I've started having problems with my eyes which I'm really starting to worry about and wondering if it's an anxiety related issue or something more serious

I tend to zone out.. but not just how you would when your bored, it's like I can't concentrate, my eyes just kinda go cross eyed (not actually but same kinda thing), and I have to really struggle to snap out of it and refocus on what I was doing, this happens when I'm sitting watching tv, on the computer, driving, etc.. it's really really weird and is causing me to worry.. I don't think it's a problem with my eyes, it feels more like my brain is letting my eyes go lazy..

I done the Depression and Anxiety test and it came back saying I'm pretty much middle of the road on both depression and anxiety, which is weird because I don't feel like I'm depressed.. I'm generally quite happy (except when I'm worrying! lol)
as for the anxiety, I wouldn't be surprised but I certainly wouldn't have thought I had a problem!

So I guess I just want to know if anyone else has had a similar issue with their eyes?

I don't know if it helps but I recently cut caffeine out of my diet, although I had a few cans of coke yesterday in an attempt to see if that was causing the problems, but unfortunately not

thanks in advance and sorry for rambling lol

01-27-2017, 01:15 PM

what you are describing are all classic anxiety related symptoms. It is not coincidence that this happened following a traumatic event.

Have you gone to see a doctor and a neurologist? They can usually distinguish between dementia and anxiety pretty easily. I am assuming you are under 50 years old, which make dementia very unlikely.

Understand that recovery from anxiety takes a long time. I am talking months. Sometimes even more than a year. But your recovery will come. I would eliminate all caffeine from your diet over a long period of time. No alcohol. No sweets as much as possible. Exercise every day if you can, walk for an hour. If possible, take some time off work. Meditate every day. And above all else, try not to worry. Passively accept your symptoms. See a doctor for reassurance first.

01-29-2017, 03:06 AM
I wanna second two things from the post above. Go see someone and exercise. Make those your priorities.

06-25-2018, 12:24 AM
How are you now? Feeling better?

06-25-2018, 01:06 AM
Hi Guys..

So for the past year or so I've slowly been having the odd symptom which I'd google and 9 times out of 10 it'd come back saying it was anxiety..

just over 2 years ago I lost my mum to dementia and for the past 6 months (maybe longer) I've been getting increasingly worried that I'm showing similar issues.. below are some of the things I'm experiencing..

Muddling up the odd words (at least every day)
No Motivation / Energy
Mood Swings / Very Irritable
I really don't like socializing
Getting increasingly stressed with work

Those are things I've been having for a while now, more recently I've started having problems with my eyes which I'm really starting to worry about and wondering if it's an anxiety related issue or something more serious

I tend to zone out.. but not just how you would when your bored, it's like I can't concentrate, my eyes just kinda go cross eyed (not actually but same kinda thing), and I have to really struggle to snap out of it and refocus on what I was doing, this happens when I'm sitting watching tv, on the computer, driving, etc.. it's really really weird and is causing me to worry.. I don't think it's a problem with my eyes, it feels more like my brain is letting my eyes go lazy..

I done the Depression and Anxiety test and it came back saying I'm pretty much middle of the road on both depression and anxiety, which is weird because I don't feel like I'm depressed.. I'm generally quite happy (except when I'm worrying! lol)
as for the anxiety, I wouldn't be surprised but I certainly wouldn't have thought I had a problem!

So I guess I just want to know if anyone else has had a similar issue with their eyes?

I don't know if it helps but I recently cut caffeine out of my diet, although I had a few cans of coke yesterday in an attempt to see if that was causing the problems, but unfortunately not

thanks in advance and sorry for rambling lol

Yes, Chris. There is a possibility that you have anxiety. To be very sure , you will need to go consult a health professional for that matter.