View Full Version : Advice about work colleague triggering my anxiety

01-25-2017, 07:56 AM
Hi all. I'm looking for some advice regarding a work colleague triggering my anxiety. I've suffered from anxiety since my Mother passed away 3 and a half years ago. I take Citalopram daily (and have done for nearly 3 years). Up until recently I've been managing well and recognised my triggers (social events, crowded places and eating in public).

However recently I've noticed that a work colleague is triggering my anxiety. I've worked at this job for nearly a year and I sit opposite the person in question in a small office. She's a very chatty, quite loud, opinionated and controlling person. I've managed to cope with her well until a couple of months ago after I noticed her snigger with another colleague about a conversation I was having with a colleague who sits next to me. Now I find I immediately become tense as soon as she's in the office and my anxiety fuzzy head (difficult to describe, but it feels like I'm separated from my body) kicks in when she talks.

I try to practise the usual things I do to help my anxiety (use the Breathe mindfulness app to calm my breathing, take myself outside for some fresh air, remove myself from the office when my colleague is being particularly loud or unpleasant and use a relaxing aromatherapy stick I keep in my drawer) but these only work for a couple of minutes and then I feel anxious again.

Numerous people in the company have commented on how loud and awkward she can be and how nice it is in the office when she's not here, which re-assured me and helped me see it's not me being extra-sensitive.

Keeping in mind that she's not the sort of person who would take other people's suggestions or comments well, can anyone give me some advice on dealing with this please? Thank you!

01-25-2017, 01:18 PM
If someone is making your workspace uncomfortable, consider bringing it up with a supervisor. Like you said, you are not the only one who is being disturbed by this person.

Also try not to care about people who you don't like. If you don't like her as a person you have no reason to need to impress her or even associate with her unless necessary.