View Full Version : How to treat my anxiety?

01-23-2017, 04:39 AM
I need your help… I’ve been suffering from anxiety since 2014, when I failed my first exam. Now this fear is even more powerful than me, I can’t control that. I can’t prepare for exams, because when I even try to open a book, I feel terrible… My heart starts to beat so fast, my hands are trembling and I wanna jump from the window… So I can’t prepare for exams, this is intolerable..
I’m afraid to visit a doctor, because they’ll send me to a clinic…
What can I do?

01-23-2017, 05:20 AM
I've had the same fear. You should create an assessment timetable, inputting your exam dates in the correct fields. Make sure to plan your study carefully ahead of time e.g "on 26th of... I plan to read... and write notes on...".
Because you have now planned ahead of time, your workload has been split into smaller segments. You may even end up completing more in one day than you have planned, and this should alleviate some pressure because it means that you have less work to do in the future; It also proves that youre capable of completing more work than you thought.

good luck

01-23-2017, 11:16 AM
For me personally when revising it takes me a whole day of on/off revision and I get a couple hours of solid work done in that time; don't be too hard on yourself. I'd say settle down to study somewhere quite, maybe at a library, bring some snacks like nuts etc and some water and just gradually ease into the revision or studying. I have days where I do nothing for the first 2 hours, I'm just staring into a blank book it seems, but then eventually you start getting into the swing of it. I don't think a doctor is necessary and a clinic deffo wouldn't be an option - you're not crazy!

01-24-2017, 03:53 AM
Thanks for reply! You know, I heard a lot about treating anxiety with smoking weed, but I don't know about effects... I'm afraid of being addictive to it.. What do you think about this article? Shall I visit their doctor?

01-24-2017, 04:25 AM
CBD, the antipsychotic substance in weed, is shown to lower anxiety and it's quite effective in doing so for some people. I myself invested in some CBD oil by a company called the CBD brothers but I found it good for pain relief and nothing else. Weed itself and THC can increase anxiety or lead to a panic attack in people predisposed to anxiety, that's what happened to me about 4 years ago. If you want some kind of supplementation to support you follow PanicCured's Supplementation Guide, that's bang on the money! Honestly, I've seen many doctors, councillors etc - many times. To me and for the majority of people who get better, they prove useless and even counterproductive.