View Full Version : Ghosting

01-21-2017, 10:20 AM
Lets talk about healing anxiety. In a way that would reach out to other areas of your lives simply by association. You are not 'fated' to any condition.

Your lives are memories in the making. Truly the sum total of your experience. Every second is recorded. Your identity today, is the summation of event/experiences, ideas to this point.

You have a present experience, formulate an idea about it. The sights, sounds, emotions are impressionable. Now at the time, the event whatever it may be, is static. But over time, as the static images fade, you are left with an imprint in psychic form, a feeling.

Repeated experiences of the same nature or context form a belief. This belief 'system' begins to form early on. Compounded by conflicts in your direct experience, with your parents interpretation, this dual interpretation of reality causes anxiousness in itself as you begin to question your own validity about reality.

Now, as time moves you along, we say, in your present, any new experience is filtered through this now formed set of beliefs. Another words, you feel a certain way, yet you may not know why, period. The original or incipient event does not come to mint, you superimpose the feeling from that event over the present, in what I will call 'ghosting', since the fears may not be applicable to your current experience. Without this ghosting, you would interpret a current event as new, you see, without any baggage.

Those of you having anxiety, and you don't know why, well, this ghosting is the reason, or cause.

You might be driving down the road, another words, and suddenly have an 'attack'. In such a case you are not living in the present, you see, but in a memory, where the feeling remains.

The complexity of anxiety is due to this network of memory/ideas like a web, with hardly the cognition to decipher them. What I am saying is you have a multitude of feelings, but the reasons for them elude you. You simply do not hold them in your awareness. They are filed away. Feelings, then, are your inner voice. I am not talking about words, you see. Anxiety has no wording, it comes upon you in a feeling. Physical, and mental.

Now to heal, one must have the courage to face his or her own feelings, and decide if they are valid given the current moment point. You are current beings, the moment is all you have.

Instead of living in the ghosts of the past, you can live life fresh and new, you see.

Anxiety is a set of ideas, period. And these ideas physiologically bring about what you are feeling. The body, by how you feel, will corroborate these ideas. Your body was meant as a feedback tool, for thought.

Your life purpose is to learn to think correctly. With correct thought, (chronic) anxiety will subside. There is no other way. How you are today (personality), is merely a shadow based off limits, restrictions, and boundaries. You are who life told you to be, you see. Mostly from a set of false ideas

01-21-2017, 11:08 AM
Those of you that wish to give feedback to the above post, please do. I'd love to hear what you felt, or thought, while or after reading it.

01-21-2017, 11:37 AM
Nice, detailed and well explained post. I also believe the ability to accept uncertainty is key also in ones recovery.

01-21-2017, 01:22 PM
I don't want my arrival here to be shadowed by doubt, I sort of understand your view on this, but I also believe another view is possible and hence that one persons pain is different, my anxiety took me to a place where I realised that I had exhausted any other option.

Chemical Shaman
01-21-2017, 01:29 PM
^Me either but the few posts I've read so far have been pretty strange!

01-21-2017, 01:33 PM
It's not strange my anxiety started when I was 9, they believed at the time I was autistic, a few year later I had ADHD, eventually I was given an IQ test and was found to have a decent result, and here I am, still taking Pregabalin, Diazepam, and they are not the American names so I can't change them to what you understand myself sorry

salvator here
01-22-2017, 07:07 AM
Hmmmm...this is really interesting and I will have to spend some time reading this thread as I've never heard of this :)

01-22-2017, 07:59 AM
It's not strange my anxiety started when I was 9, they believed at the time I was autistic, a few year later I had ADHD, eventually I was given an IQ test and was found to have a decent result, and here I am, still taking Pregabalin, Diazepam, and they are not the American names so I can't change them to what you understand myself sorry
Easy goes it.. be good to yourself.

At 9, what did the voice in your head say? What, you were different, not good enough, undeserving, bad, unwanted, abandoned - then ask what the anxiety did for you. You were trying to sort out unwanted hurtful feelings, especially from those closest to you.

Ask yourself:

If I acted or spoke in such a way (afraid), what did it do for me?

There is no pity, or shame, guilt or embarrassment, in you being you, no matter what you were told.

You are learning, as will all of you, to recognize how special you are. Where there is personal power, conscious recognition of who you are and your own validity, there can be no fear.

You deserve to be here. (On the planet). Do you understand?

01-23-2017, 12:10 PM
I think that the filtering of certain events through our belief system being the trigger for anxiety doesn't add up in certain circumstances. I for one believe that anxiety isn't appropriate and that it isn't a true representation of who I actually am, but that doesn't stop the anxiety presenting itself. Like with your heartbeat or breathing, it cannot be stopped with simple thought. You have to tap into the subconscious through certain activty that distracts yourself from everything you actually are and eventually the new neural pathways will override the old. Thats just my thoughts.