View Full Version : My friend has anxiety and will coming to visit me - advice?

01-21-2017, 09:06 AM
Hi everyone. I made a username here just so I could post this. My childhood friend has anxiety/PTSD and will be coming to visit me soon. This includes a long plane flight. I live in a very big touristy city Europe, so this is a MASSIVE step for her. She is not allowed to bring her service dog with her which I know will be devastating. She's trained that girl from a tiny pup. I am blown out of this world at her bravery for doing this and would never have expected it, but she just bought plane tickets and has confirmed everything with me. I'm so happy I can barely type.

But - I'd like to ask for advice. Here's the lowdown: We will ride a bus from the airport to my dorm (I don't have a car). I'll have her bed and everything all situated here (we will be staying in the same room, which may be hard for her as well, but I'm not sure). We have zero plans for her stay - I was thinking of playing it by ear and letting her guide our activities. No pressure. We can stay inside and watch Gilmore Girls all day for all I care. Talk or not talk. I live in a fairly quiet area.

Is there anything I can do to make her stay as smooth as possible? It's just a week-long visit. I'm not super familiar with her particularities or triggers (just a handful, mostly crowds, social interactions, being out in public), so I'm really hoping she'll be communicative about her needs. I was going to send her a message soon asking about what would be best, but I'm not really sure how to word it. Thanks in advance :)

01-21-2017, 11:22 AM
Hi everyone. I made a username here just so I could post this. My childhood friend has anxiety/PTSD and will be coming to visit me soon. This includes a long plane flight. I live in a very big touristy city Europe, so this is a MASSIVE step for her. She is not allowed to bring her service dog with her which I know will be devastating. She's trained that girl from a tiny pup. I am blown out of this world at her bravery for doing this and would never have expected it, but she just bought plane tickets and has confirmed everything with me. I'm so happy I can barely type.

But - I'd like to ask for advice. Here's the lowdown: We will ride a bus from the airport to my dorm (I don't have a car). I'll have her bed and everything all situated here (we will be staying in the same room, which may be hard for her as well, but I'm not sure). We have zero plans for her stay - I was thinking of playing it by ear and letting her guide our activities. No pressure. We can stay inside and watch Gilmore Girls all day for all I care. Talk or not talk. I live in a fairly quiet area.

Is there anything I can do to make her stay as smooth as possible? It's just a week-long visit. I'm not super familiar with her particularities or triggers (just a handful, mostly crowds, social interactions, being out in public), so I'm really hoping she'll be communicative about her needs. I was going to send her a message soon asking about what would be best, but I'm not really sure how to word it. Thanks in advance :)

Love her..

01-21-2017, 11:40 AM
I think you play it by ear and see how things go and develop and act accordingly.

01-21-2017, 01:18 PM
My advice, provide her with a corner, almost a quiet room if it were, somewhere they can go if they just want to shut off, and don't make it strenuous if they do, if they say I feel like bed? Point them to there space and let it go, because they will appreciate that