View Full Version : I am having Anxiety disorder post my divorce from last 8 months.What must be my prob?

01-21-2017, 07:14 AM
Before marriage i felt some problems with me, but not able understand wats it about.

Post divorse I found lot about myself.. And now i need all urs help.

Symptoms -

When i do masturbation and go to wash my hands and p***s, later i find if my wash is not happened correct Or not, i mean all sperm from my body is washed properly or not. In case the washing doesnt happen the exactly way i want or somewhere i feel it has remained on my body parts or hands then that thing remains in my mind, untill i wash my hands and body parts again.
Or In case when washing doesnt happen correct and if i touch any object or things around me like pen, laptop, my shirt, door handles anything I feel My hands sperm got tranmitted to that thing or any object.
The next day if i touch it , i feel am again infected or my hands have those sperms still. My mind gets confuse. Slight imbalance in thoughts, later i try to wash my hands and all things that i feel have sperm touch on it. Also post divorce I had anxiety at its worst. M on medicine. that have reduced my anxiety symptoms. But i want to knw what problem i m facing as mentioned above from beginning???

Chemical Shaman
01-21-2017, 01:24 PM
What is this place?

01-21-2017, 01:30 PM
From the sense I made of that perhaps you have obsessive compulsive disorder? Perhaps visit your doctor?

01-21-2017, 01:36 PM
This definitely sounds like obsessive compulsive disorder to me.

01-21-2017, 01:41 PM
Veeraj, do you have anywhere you could go while you think about all of this? Sometimes a little private time really does help?