View Full Version : Scared to get back on Meds due to Side Effects

01-20-2017, 01:23 PM
It wont let me post some of the medication names, so I'll use the generic ones:

I've been off of sertaline for about a year now and my Dr. wants me back on it for my anxiety but my problem is I'm scared to take it due to the side effects might make me more nervous than I already am. How bad are they side effects as I don't remember. How long did it take for it to improve anxiety related symptoms for y'all? I am constantly anxious throughout the day but not out of control, just on edge, nervous, hard to concentrate, if it gets too bad I take alprazolam but that makes me kind of drowsy every time I do.

01-21-2017, 01:52 PM
Remember your doctor is there for you! So if they don't work they will fight for you, just make sure you ask all the questions and that they answer them!

01-21-2017, 03:32 PM
SSRI's take about 2-4 weeks to kick in and start doing their job. When I went through a period when I was trying different medications my doctor would prescribe me and tell me to come back in that 2-4 week time period and talk to him about how I was feeling.

Unfortunately, SSRI's usually (but not always) have a few side effects in that first 2-4 week period that can make you seem to think that your anxiety is getting worse, but you have to wait for the medicine to take its course.

01-21-2017, 03:39 PM
SSRI's take about 2-4 weeks to kick in and start doing their job. When I went through a period when I was trying different medications my doctor would prescribe me and tell me to come back in that 2-4 week time period and talk to him about how I was feeling.

Unfortunately, SSRI's usually (but not always) have a few side effects in that first 2-4 week period that can make you seem to think that your anxiety is getting worse, but you have to wait for the medicine to take its course.

Yeah that's what I'm scared of, I'm already nervous enough as it is and don't want to be even MORE anxious for up to a month waiting for it to kick in. I talked to him about it and he said just to take more aprazolam to mask the symptoms. I was on it before and don't remember the side effects being that bad but I wasn't as nervous at that point in my life.

I do have a bad habit of not wanting to take pills, I don't know is that an irrational fear to have or is it common for people with anxiety disorders?

01-21-2017, 04:01 PM
Yeah that's what I'm scared of, I'm already nervous enough as it is and don't want to be even MORE anxious for up to a month waiting for it to kick in. I talked to him about it and he said just to take more aprazolam to mask the symptoms. I was on it before and don't remember the side effects being that bad but I wasn't as nervous at that point in my life.

I do have a bad habit of not wanting to take pills, I don't know is that an irrational fear to have or is it common for people with anxiety disorders?

I personally think that it is worth the temporary side effects to find a medication that helps with your anxiety.
I would not call not wanting to take pills an irrational fear. I am sure that many people share that same feeling, but if you want the medication to help you, it is important that you do not miss a dose and take the pill at the same time everyday.

salvator here
01-22-2017, 06:32 AM
Yeah that's what I'm scared of, I'm already nervous enough as it is and don't want to be even MORE anxious for up to a month waiting for it to kick in. I talked to him about it and he said just to take more aprazolam to mask the symptoms. I was on it before and don't remember the side effects being that bad but I wasn't as nervous at that point in my life.

I do have a bad habit of not wanting to take pills, I don't know is that an irrational fear to have or is it common for people with anxiety disorders?I also have fear of starting new meds; don't like the fear of the unknown as I've reacted badly to many meds and not necessarily psych meds either. Or as you say, not wanting to have to take pills at all. Currently I'm unmediated and how am I doing...some good days and some (more) bad, so is that such a good thing really, I'm have my strong opinions on this topic and think its ok to have bad days as long as they don't become debilitating (for you of course). I have that bad habit of reading up on the dreaded (usually rare and uncommon) side effects on the internet and talk myself out of it.

To tell you the truth, I would not be afraid of sertaline really, it was on that helped with the least side effects (at least for me anyway and I was up to 200mg at one point).

But yeah, I do understand where you're coming from on this - good luck with what ever you decide!

01-23-2017, 11:59 AM
Honestly, your doctor probably means no halm but SSRI's, or any medication for that matter, is not the answer. You say you've already been on them before, why did you come off? You probs came off because it didn't feel right. Leave out the meds sierra, thats just my opinion.

01-23-2017, 04:16 PM
It sounds like you have general anxiety disorder, which I do as well.

If it is not too bad like you say, maybe try some natural methods to reduce your anxiety before going back on the medication?

I find exercise, guided meditations, cognitive behavioural therapy, and some supplements to be very effective. When these fail I use diazepam as a safety net, for the days my anxiety is the highest. Even just knowing I have diazepam on hand if I need it makes my anxiety on a day to day basis significantly lower!