View Full Version : Recurrent 'anxiety'.

11-01-2008, 12:57 AM
Last year, I overdosed on marijuana. I thought I had a heart attack - in hinesight, I may have, I never followed through with getting an ambulance (although 911 was called).

Since then, I've had many panic attacks (although THOSE stopped last year), and anxiety still lingers with me.

The root of my anxiety is my heart. I am so, so worried about my heart. Small things will set me off.

I thought maybe physical activity would help relieve me of my anxiety symptoms so I started playing squash with my friend.

Today I played and I felt VERY tired, so I looked up squash, and sure enough came across a scholarly study linking squash to 60 heart failures (in England).

This set me off - bad timing cause it's Hallowe'en as well. I should note my symptoms. I was very tired to begin with and upon reading the article, I started feeling a little nauseous, I felt like I needed fresh air and I needed to go for a walk to take my mind off things. I had to kneel - I had my phone ready to dial 911 incase my heart failed. I had discomfort in my chest. My heart fluttered (this increased my impending doom feeling). This happens to me every 4-6 days, sometimes daily for a few days then off for a few days. Nobody takes me seriously (my girlfriend doesn't understand anxiety and it sucks because when I have it I become very disassociated to her and I can't be touched, talked to, nothing).

Anyways. I'm just so tired of it. I have been to the doctors for my heart 2 times now - each time the doctor would listen and take my blood pressure and say nothing is fine. Last time I went I was referred to a psychiatrist but I couldn't make the appointment so I canceled.

I'm 19 years old - played sports up until I was 18 then had a year away from physical activity (for the most part), and I suppose I'm healthy (but I don't know).

It's ruining my life (anxiety) and I need to get rid of it, but I don't want to take some drugs to "fix" it.

Thanks for any help guys and I'm sorry if this thread is beating a dead horse.

11-01-2008, 07:17 AM
why dont you go get some heart tests done so you can have some relief and not worry so much. anxiety can make your heart do crazy things,mine beats so fast all day or gets a tight feeling. its probably just the anxiety but get some tests so you can some peace of mind!

11-02-2008, 05:29 PM
I'm constantly worried about my heart. I went to the ER the other day because I was sure I was having a heart attack. Everything checked out fine.

It's hard when people who're close to you don't take you seriously. It's terrifying to go through alone.

But as bethy79 said, see if you can get some tests done so you can have peace of mind.