View Full Version : No idea what to do

01-18-2017, 08:00 PM
Long story short, when I was 16 I was diagnosed as bipolar and social anxiety disorder. Didn't stay on the meds because I moved from family member to family member. Most of which told me I didn't need help and to "get over it". Fast forward to now, being 30, my husband has the same attitude. I can't get over it. My primary wont treat it, and I cant afford to see a therapist. My chest hurts on a daily basis and I'm always depressed. Should I find a different primary care doctor? Has anyone been in this situation?

01-18-2017, 08:04 PM
My sister has bipolar and they are very poor and on food stamps. She found a community health center that charges only according to what you have. I don't think she pays anything. Her husband found out about it by calling "Obamacare" (The Affordable Care Act) and got the place to go if you can't even afford The Affordable Care Act. Get help please. My sister was always depressed too before she got on medication. Her husband says she's much better now.

01-18-2017, 08:05 PM
Sorry to hear thats going on...
I would definately check up on a new Primary.... Remember medicine is "Practice" along side being a DR. Could easily be a mis-diagnosis. Always better to get at least a second opinion, We know how hard it is handling this stuff. Anyways; welcome to the forums im a new member aswell. If you need to chat im here! Hope you find the help you need!

01-19-2017, 11:08 AM
Sorry to hear of your struggles, I would absolutely recommend finding a new doctor.

If a doctor won't treat you, there are thousands of them who will. You are 30 years old and you know the struggles in your life more than a random doctor.

01-20-2017, 05:36 AM

Do you think that your chest may hurt because of acid reflux? I know that this certainly was the case for me and many others who share GEneralised anxiety disorders