View Full Version : Wind Instruments

01-18-2017, 05:19 PM
Yes, this is a rather unusual post!
So, I was feeling like shit the other day, anxious and fearful of death and other things, when I randomly found, in a drawer, an old wooden flute that belonged to my grandpa. He never played it, I think it was a souvenir from a trip, and I had almost forgotten its existence. I tried to play some tunes by ear, since I have no clue how it's actually played, and it turned out fine. I ended up spending much time figuring out how it worked, finding out the notes, trying to play faster... It had almost a magical effect on me, partially because I concentrated on something other than my dark thoughts and managed to distance myself from them, partially because its sound is calming and, partially because I had to control my breath. When I'm anxious I breath either quickly or irregularly, and in order to play the tunes, I had to force my breath to slow down, which slowed my heart rate and calmed my mind. I know there are some techniques to calm your mind and body during an anxiety attack or a period of intense anxiety, but maybe playing wind instruments could be one of them too? I've always loved music and occasionally play the guitar, but it never had this much of an effect on my mood, as it doesn't utilize the breath so directly. I think I'll be a flutist. :D
Does anybody else play an instrument? How does it affect your mind and soul?

01-18-2017, 08:14 PM
That's a really cool discovery. Thanks for sharing