View Full Version : Help trying to care for someone with an anxiety disorder

01-18-2017, 11:08 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm looking for some advice on how to care for and support someone who has an anxiety disorder.

My partner of 3 years is on long term medication (Paroxetine) for anxiety and generally we have a happy and healthy life but for the past few months with increasing frequency she is telling me that I don't do anything to help her with her condition and that I offer very little support. We seem to be at a point where I am expected to exclusively think 24/7 whether something I say or do could have a remote chance of triggering her to become upset, and I'm not sure how best to deal with that as to me it seems almost impossible.

Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated as I really do want to be able to provide the support needed, but when I ask directly how I can do that the response received is that I 'need to be more mindful' and I'm not sure how this is achieved when I already feel I spend 99% of my time being as considerate as I can be.

Thanks in advance!

01-18-2017, 02:51 PM
Hi helpboris,

So I'm assuming you're extremely familiar with her triggers? Can you give us an example of how she might react in a normal interaction? Do you know her specific anxiety diagnosis (or just GAD?) I just want to make sure I can offer up my advice as a person with life long GAD as best I can for your situation.
