View Full Version : Feeling down :(

01-17-2017, 05:58 PM
Does anyone ever feel like something bad is going to happen to them, even when they feel fine? Like if you're just going to die.

I can't stop thinking about this. Today I have experienced jumpy and static vision, which I haven't experienced before. But I know my anxiety messes with my eyes a lot so I figured it was related to that. I keep getting these sharp pains in my head. Told myself that it's probably a slight icepick headache, because I've had them before.

But my mind tells me different. It's like I don't want to be home alone because what if something happens to me when no one is here. I keep the bathroom door unlocked while I shower incase something happens. I work in a clinic so I'm always like, well if something happens to me there are plenty of trained nurses and doctors around. I've been thinking this way for a few days now. So negatively. No matter how hard I try to think positive and tell myself that nothing is wrong with me and that nothing is going to happen to my 23 year old self...it doesn't work.

I was talking to my doctor on Monday and he told me when I feel my anxiety coming on, to keep myself busy and to visualize things. It's so hard to do. I try to think of something and these "dark" thoughts just flood my brain. I've been feeling so down lately and just want to be myself again. But I'm just going through that death fear phase right now.

Any advice?

The Intolerable Kid
01-18-2017, 06:58 AM
I try and focus on the present moment when I start dreading the future. I also try to think that I should be grateful, things could be worse. I attempt to focus on the positive things that are going, but it isn't easy. The fear of something bad on the horizon is a hard thing to shake, I hope you're able to overcome that feeling.

01-18-2017, 04:52 PM
I can relate 100%. Even with the door thing. But only in the periods when I'm more anxious. I don't have any good advice to give... I just try to put up with myself until I feel better again... One thing you could do, as the person above me said, is to try and focus on positive thoughts. It's very difficult in the beginning, it may seem impossible, because one part of your mind is telling you your fears are rational, even though the other recognizes that you exaggerate because of the anxiety. Every time you start contemplating about dying etc, try to switch the thought. Like "what if (bad thing happens)?" Yeah, but what if it doesn't. Also art helps sometimes. It can make you feel worse at first but it has a cleansing effect on me. It can also make you get "in the zone", distract you and help you find motivation. Also sometimes it helps to get it all out. Like, I remember having all this tension built inside me, but I couldn't cry or scream or anything, and my friend said something to me that caused me to cry. I felt horrible at the time, but because of the intensity of the feeling, I somehow became "desentisized" to it. Like I was forced to face my fears and go used to them. The next day I was much less anxious. I don't know if this would work for you too, I'm not suggesting to have somebody tell you scary or sad things, just sharing what happened.