View Full Version : I am looking for ways to make new male friends.

01-16-2017, 07:18 PM
I'm a guy. Early 40s. Married with kids. Dealing with anxiety but I'm have all the right resources in place and I am hopeful for the future.

What I really want is to be able to have male friends my age I can shoot the breeze with. Friends that I could invite over with their wives.

My wife has met other mothers thru the kids and they talk to each other on the phone a lot. She also is involved with a local non profit which she has friends.

I keep thinking how can I go about making new friends. I could join a sports league ..But I'd have to do it alone and seems like lots of the people in these leagues are younger single kids.

Where does a dad go about meeting other local dad's to make new friends? My girls are too old for the YMCA local Indian princess thing.

I don't know..Maybe you can help me with ideas. Other dad's who did the same thing

01-17-2017, 11:15 AM
Hey man I feel you, loneliness is not a good feeling! A couple of years ago I moved to a new town and I had to start from scratch making friends. In 3 years I have more friends here than I ever did back home and I met most of my friends through 3 ways:

1. Softball league. If I were you I would sign up now before the season fills up but you would be surprised how many guys your age play softball, it is an easy sport and everyone drinks beer so it does not require a young generation or high skill. You will meet people anywhere from 19-50+.

2. Going to church. This may not be your cup of tea but I personally have made a TON of friends from going to church on Sundays. In fact it has dramatically helped my mental health as well. All the friends I have met in church have been extremely trustworthy and helpful and they are the kind of people you want in your life. If you are not religious try being open minded.

3. Striking conversations with people I recognize. Let's say when I was at the gym, if I regularly see someone there I would eventually say hello. Eventually I might ask them to workout together sometime, and after a few workouts together we could grab a bite to eat etc.

Never be afraid to be the first one to grab a coffee or lunch. Whatever it may be, most people just never ask because they are shy but would likely be glad to spend an hour getting to know you.

IF you are looking for good friends do not be so concerned about age. If you live a similar life age is just a number! Also remember making quality friendships takes work and won't happen overnight.

I also recommend "reading how to win friends and influence people"

01-17-2017, 05:45 PM
I’m glad you reached out for support on this situation. It can be difficult to make friends; especially the right kind of friends. It’s understandable as well your feelings as being socialable, making time and anxiety may come into consideration. I see the steps you are taking are a good start. I believe the workplace may be a suitable place to seek friendships. Thus, if you can do so professionally as I know this may not work for all professions. Additionally, you mentioned sports this is a great idea also other community activities or where dads and their children are involved in the community. Also, consider any other activities or obligations that you currently have such as, school functions, or anything. It will be good to have this opportunity to be sociable with other dads or when you go out in public to run errands you can just strike up conversations. But, when considering new things have you tried this consider what you like to do for activities and look for opportunities within your area to meet other dads?. I hope this helps. Best wishes!

01-31-2017, 01:23 PM
Do you have a job? Most adults make friends at work.

01-31-2017, 06:13 PM
I can skype if you want to shoot the breeze. I probably live too far for a dinner party though.