View Full Version : Value of supplements in relieving anxiety

Marie Lends
01-16-2017, 05:50 AM
There are 7 groups of natural supplements that can relieve anxiety (http://anxietyfreelife.com) and promote general good health to complement an optimal diet. These are part of our 8 week highly effective Peace of Mind Program. These can also be obtained through supplement stores and should be added to a good multi-vitamin intake.

The first one is Omega 3 oils obtained from marine animals and flax seed/linseed. Our modern diet is usually deficient in the required amount. It is essential for optimal brain and nervous system function, thus anxiety minimization.

The second group is antioxidants which diminish free radical damage at the cellular level including nerve and brain cells. The most important of these is Vit C at a maintenance dose of 1000mg per day.

The third supplement is magnesium in a bio-available organic form such as magnesium glycenate. This assists in achieving a relaxed state and with sleep.

The forth is a multi-mineral supplement. The mind and body require all elements in an optimal window concentration to function well. Diminished soil health leads to food products with diminished required concentrations of minerals. The best ones are derived from healthy clays and marine sources combined.

The fifth is a stress and vitality support which includes all the important B vitamins and other known components which reduce stress.

The sixth are essential amino acids which are the building blocks of all proteins in the body; many of which are not consumed in sufficient quantities.

The seventh are anti-anxiety and sleep assisting herbs. Each culture has provided examples of these through trial and error use over centuries and millennia. Some of these may require a naturopath prescription in some countries although some are also available “off the shelf.” Two of these are zisyphus from Chinese traditional medicine and Passiflora from western herbal medicine.

These combined supplements are not a magic bullet to reduce anxiety but should be considered as part of a wholistic approach to manage anxiety together with all the other aspects covered in the Peace of Mind Pathway.

Best wishes