View Full Version : MS Worries

01-15-2017, 05:21 PM
I'm 23 years old and I'm scared I may have early signs of MS or some other serious disease. I've been posting a lot on here recently cause my anxiety has been through the roof these past 2 weeks so you may have seen my previous posts...

1 week before Christmas I was standing up for about an hour and I felt this weird sensation behind my legs. It felt like I was sore after a day of working out. The pain was from behind my ankle and went up to the back of my knee. A few days after Christmas I got a really bad headache. I thought it was a tension headache. It would go away and come back. Then one day the headache went straight to the back of my head. (I don't know if this was connected or something not related) it was like a burning sensation in the back of my head. Would hurt when I looked up, down, and when I would rest my head down on my pillow. I ended up going to the ER, they did NO scans and no blood work. They felt the back of my head and listened to what I had to say. The doctor said it sounded like a sprain or swollen nerves. They gave me 600mg of ibuprofen. I took it for 3 days every 6 hours. The pain went away. I still feel this pain once in a while like if I pick up something heavy, etc. but it fades away.

I still don't feel like myself though. Even though this pain isn't there that much anymore. My vision get blurry even with my contacts in. Now I have had anxiety for 9 years. It always effects my vision so I try to blame this on my anxiety. Nothing bad though. No blind spots. Just blurred vision. I have been getting pins and needles in my feet, legs and now my arms and hands. I have never experienced this before in my 9 years of anxiety. I know this is common with anxiety but it still always worries me when I have a new symptom.

So I'm just worried that all of these are connected somehow. The swollen nerves in the back of my head, the tension headache I had before, the sore feeling in the back of my legs; and the pins and needles feeling.

These symptoms come and go. I have no problems when I'm keeping busy. (Of course) I know these are possible signs of MS and I know there could be a million other reasons why I have experienced these things. But my mind just races to MS or fibro or ALS... something bad.

I'm going to my doctor tomorrow morning but I doubt if he will do a MRI or any other scans because I'm feeling a lot better. He'll probably just pass it off as anxiety.

I am able to function fine. I still go to work everyday and do what I have to do. I've ready though that people have gone years without being diagnosed with MS and then finally get diagnosed with it. I also read that symptoms can come and go. They are not always persistent.

What do you guys think? Do you think this is all connected? I think I may have developed the pins and needles because I worried about the pain in the back of my head. But what if it is all connected somehow? I'm just so worried still.

Edit: I have also been experiencing dizziness and just pressure all around my head including my face. I don't feel the pressure that much. Just once in a while.