View Full Version : First Post - Help with Anxiety

01-15-2017, 01:30 PM
I started to experience generalized Anxiety about 10 years ago and i was prescribed 10 mg of Lexapro, I've been on the medication since then although recently I've been on different doses. The problem is my GP Doctor has been the one prescribing the medication. Over the past 6 months or so I've gone from 20 mg to 15 mg, back to 20 and then back down to 15 (just a week ago). I know this is absolutely not healthy and I have made an appointment to get back into talk therapy as well as to see an actually Psychiatric nurse for medication management. The reason I'm posting is probably similar to most posts on here but I just want to know if what I'm going through is anxiety related or if I might have a bigger underlying issue. I haven't been sleeping well, at times waking up with a racing heart during the night and having a hard time falling back asleep, when I close my eyes I see flashes or light or I jolt back awake. I also can't ever seem to get comfortable, I constantly feel the need to clench my hands or stretch out my legs and arms. I also yawn alot even though I might not be tired. The thing that has me worried the most is that I have been very dizzy and lightheaded, almost like I feel like I'm going to pass out or that the ground beneath me is not there. I also have an extreme fear of having a seizure although I've never had one before in my life. I'm a 36 year old man with a good job and great home life. Lately I just feel so defeated, like almost zombified some days and I think that all of these dizzy spells are just exacerbating my anxiety. My question is could this be caused by the changing of doses lately or could this be something neurological? I've been on Lexapro for so long and its never quite been like this for me I'm just wondering if its the dose. It's also worth noting that for me my anxiety has always seemed to manifest itself differently. Sometimes I go through periods where I experience great eye strain and I blink non stop or squint to relieve that burning sensation. Sometimes I develop a twitch in my face like the need to move my nose in different directions or flex my neck. I know alot of this sounds strange and it's alot of rambling and I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, maybe just some insight from those who have gone through something similar or have any advice as to what I can do to balance things out. As I said my main fear is something is wrong with my brain. I hope somebody responds and I can get some perspective, if not maybe it just helped to sit down and let it out a little so to speak. Thanks.

01-15-2017, 03:59 PM
Friend, best thing to start with is some medical examinations. I would recommend EEG, a brain test ( similar to EKG for heart function test). If eeg is fine, then your brain is really healthy. As for the symptoms you experienced on such long period I wont be writing cause I don't know, therefore i don't want to mislead you.