View Full Version : Pain behind legs and tingling?

01-14-2017, 12:41 PM
I've never experienced this symptom before and it's kind of freaking me out. It started about 3 weeks ago. It's only the back of my lower legs. It feels like they are falling asleep, but they're not. Almost as if they are numb but when I touch them, they're fine. I have noticed this a couple of times when I'm standing. And especially at night when I lay down in bed. It's a feeling like my legs are parylized, but then I try to move them and I can.

Its really hard to explain. Just wondering if someone has felt this before. Kinda worried it could be something serious. I don't want my legs to give out on me one day. I have tingling in my feet sometimes but I think that's non related and goes with the anxiety.