View Full Version : This past year it seems I'm always thinking somethings wrong with me (Blood clots)

01-13-2017, 12:52 AM
I don't really expect anyone to respond to this or at least not too quickly but I'm in a bit of a situation. It all started 2 days ago when out of nowhere I went to stand up and had a sudden pain in my left calf. I thought nothing of it until I went and typed it into google(which I am always told to never do but for some stupid reason I always end up doing it). Of course google does nothing to help my anxiety as it says I could have a TON of different things ranging from a simple muscle strain to a life threatening blood clot. The pain has gone away slowly each day although just to be sure I decided to go to a walk in clinic to put my fears to rest. I went in and explained what was going on and when it started and the lady looked at my leg and saw no swelling and felt around my calf where the pain was. She asked me when is the pain at it's worst and I told her when I am stood upright and not moving. If i'm moving around it doesn't hurt at all and if I'm relaxing there is no pain. It's only when I'm stood still standing upright. Even then the pain has gotten better since it initially started. Doctor said all she thought it was is an infected hair follicle. I kind of found this hard to believe but who am I to argue? She's a doctor and she knows what she's doing so I went with it. That being said I'm still having doubts for some reason. And this isn't the first time. I'm normally fairly healthy. I am obese but other than being out of shape I have a pretty healthy history and I've even been working to get back into shape this past few months . But this year seems to have given me numerous amounts of anxiety and I truly can't figure out why. All my life whenever I think something is wrong with me I get a doctors opinion and I'm fine but for some reason it just hasn't worked that way this year. Just during the summer I was freaking out because I thought I had colon cancer or stomach cancer (I didn't) and just a few weeks ago I was panicking because I thought I was having a heart attack (I wasn't) and now I'm panicking because I think I have a blood clot in my leg. I'm not sure what to do about this. My mother thinks I'm overreacting and she very well could be right but no matter how hard I try not to think about it I keep having that nagging thought in the back of my head. I'm not even really sure what kind of response I'm looking for I think I just want to know I'm not alone in causing myself to panic when it's not necessary. Or maybe I want to know if my panic is justified. I really don't know at this point. But for anyone who has read this far I just want to say thank you in advance.

01-15-2017, 06:28 PM
Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you have health anxiety. I would talk over your concerns with a physician. Talking things over with
a professional 3rd party may help you feel better.