View Full Version : Heart panic

01-12-2017, 11:11 AM
Age: 30 Sex: Male Weight: 160 Height: 5'11"

Had an echo-cardiogram in 2014 as part as a work physical. I was given a copy of the results which noted specifically that everything was normal.

On my echocardiogram documents under "FINAL CONCLUSIONS" it says: 1.) Left ventricular size is normal 2.) Left venticular wall thickness is normal 3.) Overall left ventricular systolic funciton is low-normal 4.) Diastolic filling pattern is normal 5.) Aortic valve is trileaflet and structurally normal. No regurgitation. 6.) Trace mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.

Basically the conclusions don't indicate any issues, so why is my relative wall thickness indicative of concentric remodeling? These are the values for the left ventricle from the ECG: IVSd .8cm LVIDd 4.7cm LVPWd 1.1cm LVIDs 2.7cm

I exercise 6 or 7 days a week (i run a 5k about 5 days a week and also lift weights).

I also have white coat syndrome but not sustained hypertension. Last time I checked my BP at the grocery it was 120/60. I am totally panicked over the LVPWd measurement (1.1, which is the max of normal) and the apparent relative wall thickness. Why would the cardiologist not make not of either of these though? Could it be my white coat syndrome is damaging my heart, or is it the constant exercise?

01-15-2017, 06:24 PM
Welcome to the forum. If their were any issues, you would have been notified. You could also ask another physician to
review the results, but odds are you are OK.