View Full Version : First timer with Anxity and also Physical Symptoms

01-12-2017, 07:28 AM
I'm sure everyone has 'their story' but this is after all an anxiety forum and i just want some reassurance.
I'm 29 years old, very active, fit, pretty athletic. I'm a full time engineer, but I work part time as a Flight Instructor (which I absolutely LOVE).

Background of my year. My wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for over two years. She miscarried on my birthday last Feb. shortly thereafter, my 2 year old dog got really bad pneumonia, I was a worry wreck. After two months, she finally recovered. Then this past spring, my sister-in-law had some troubles and moved in with us since we have two spare rooms we dont use. She definitely stresses me out, but we get along well. Also, my mom has a really rare medical condition and has been going downhill fast this past year. Then this past fall, my wife got pregnant again, the week before thanksgiving she miscarried again, that when I started getting the heart palpitations really bad that i'll talk about later. Now with what has been going on with me....

Back in September, I started getting some lower back pain, I waited two weeks before going to the Dr. thinking it was a pulled muscle. However, I started having issues going to the bathroom so I called the Urologist thinking it was a kidney stone or an infection. CT scan, and urinalysis showed nothing was wrong. He put me on 200mg of Doxycycline for 16 days just to be safe since all signs pointed to infection. The doxy made me feel TERRIBLE. Dizziness, headaches, nausea, etc. Lower back/side pain still wouldn't go away.

I went to primary care Dr for second opinion. He said lower lumbar strain. Put me on anti-inflammatory. Thought my response to the Doxy was a little strange so had me tested for Lymes Disease (said it sounded like herxing) Lymes test came back positive for anti-bodies, but no active infection. Of course, my mind went off the deep end. I started having terrible headaches, pain under my armpits, and knee pain. Lymes Dr. said my symptoms didn't match lymes at all, plus no sign of active infection. Primary care Dr then told me he thought it was stress/anxiety. I gave it another 2-3 weeks, Headaches went away, underarm pain went away, knee pain went away, but I started getting really bad heart palpitations. Went to Cardiologist. Wore a 48hr heart monitor. He said he saw about 300-400 palpitations per day, mostly PVCs. Said they were benign and not to worry about them. Its been almost a month, and it started to seem last week, they were starting to go away. still getting them, just not as bad as before. Some chest pain now and again, but mostly ok.

Now here is the kicker. All this time, even from the beginning, and before all this started. I swim two days per week, and I also bike a few days per week. Since the heart palpitations started, i've been always getting them after i exercise but generally not really bad. Last three days, I've been feeling really good. Palps seem to be going away for the most part, I got home from work yesterday and was all excited about swimming. Swam and my heart palps were the worst i'd ever had them last night. Then this morning, woke up feeling a little shaky, nauseous, and heart rate was 90bpm. Could this REALLY be anxiety/stress? Its driving me CRAZY TRAIN! I try sooo hard not to think about it and to tell myself that i'm fine, but i dont feel fine!